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International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace

IAPP Launched in Kenya

Kenya-2018-01-10-IAPP Launched in Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya—The International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace had its official launch in Kenya in a ceremony in Parliament.

The inauguration, which took place on January 10, 2018, had the full blessings of the speaker, deputy speaker and the clerk of the National Assembly. This included all the privileges accorded to parliamentary committees/teams, such as use of a committee room and equipment and provision of refreshments. Additionally, UPF could bring in its own banners and equipment.

The auspicious occasion was graced by honorable members of Parliament, Ambassadors for Peace, members of the clergy, and friends of UPF.

Rev. Juma, vice chair of the Kenyan chapter of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), an affiliated organization, gave the invocation on behalf of the Hon. Deputy Chief Kadhi, who was held up at the last minute.

The convener of the meeting, Hon. Mathias Robi, gave the opening address. He was among the six parliamentarians who attended last year’s World Summit in Seoul, Korea. As the convener, he was responsible for all the parliamentary processes leading to the launch. He praised the UPF founders for providing the vision of IAPP that promotes peace among legislators. IAPP will be the catalyst for lawmakers in legislating laws that support family values, thus enhancing a culture of peace, he said. The family is the school of love and the cradle of peace, he said: the basic institution upon which other institutions rest.

IAPP is a worldwide movement connecting members of Parliament. This is a unique networking platform for discussion. The exchange of ideas is an essential component in promoting values, peace and development. At its core is the vision of humanity as one family under God.

Hon. Robi mentioned the ongoing UPF family values education program, which has traversed large parts of his Kuria West Constituency. This has brought peace to conflict-prone areas at a minimum cost. IAPP has an effective soft-power approach to peacemaking and peacekeeping which is necessary to heal the rift generated by last year’s divisive general elections, he said. IAPP has come at the right moment and place.

Hon. John Muchiri, one of the Korea team, spoke on behalf of Hon. Moses Cheboi, the deputy speaker, who was engaged elsewhere. He spoke of the critical role of parliamentarians in peacemaking and peacekeeping on the levels of individual, family, community, nation and beyond. Parliamentarians occupy a central place in ensuring that peace prevails always, he said. The advent of IAPP is a special gift toward realizing durable peace.

UPF-Kenya Chair Dharam Singh Chaggar introduced UPF and the Founders’ Vision, emphasizing the principle of living for the sake of others and the dream of “One Family under God.” He urged the lawmakers to focus on legislating laws that are conducive to peace.

Besides guiding the day’s program, Frederick Wakhisi, the executive director of UPF-Kenya, presented the background of IAPP. He elaborated on the vision and mission of IAPP, delving into its core objectives and activities and expected outcomes and benefits.

Mrs. Feliciter Kililo read the Founder’s Address given during the February 2017 Summit of World Leaders held in Seoul, Korea. She concluded the speech with a call of “We shall do it” and declared IAPP-Kenya officially launched.

The Vote of Thanks was moved by Hon. Tonui. He was amazed by the timing of the IAPP launch amid the current political situation in the country. He was full of appreciation for the founders and their contribution to humanity. He spoke of his determination and that of fellow honorable members present to inspire their colleagues to facilitate IAPP programs in communities/societies for moral and ethical purification.

Bishop Job Alushula offered the closing prayer. Long live IAPP-Kenya, long live UPF-Kenya. Praise be to God.

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