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Balkans Peace Initiative

Conference on Consolidating Peace in Kosovo and the Balkans

The office of Prime Minister of Kosovo Hashim Thaci co-hosted with UPF-Europe an International Leadership Conference on May 31, 2008, on the topic Consolidating Peace in Kosovo and the Balkans.

The Kosovan government was represented by Mr Valton Beqiri, Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sport, and the national flag was displayed on the banner.

Between UPF Europe's February meeting, which just preceded Kosovo's declaration of independence on February 17, and this latest event, UPF-Kosovo was officially registered by Kosovan National Assembly member Mr. Hydajet Hyseni, Chairman of UPF-Kosovo, with the support of the Chairman of the Association of Former Political Detainees, Mr. Gani Sylaj, and UPF-Kosovo Secretary General Mrs. Imihan Shala.

This was a regional conference, drawing distinguished participants from Montenegro, Macedonia, and Albania in addition to the 60 participants from Kosovo. Among the 28 new Ambassadors for Peace appointed were the Minister of Culture, Sport, and Youth and three members of the Kosovo National Assembly.

President Sejdiu graciously received Dr. Thomas Walsh, Secretary General of UPF, and Dr. Yong Cheol Song, chairman of UPF-Europe, on their arrival the day before the conference. The meeting was very warm and friendly. The President discussed the latest developments in Kosovo, and Dr. Walsh described the vision of UPF and its activities around the world.

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