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Balkans Peace Initiative

When the former communist nation of Yugoslavia broke up in the early 1990s, few could have envisioned the scope of ethnic and religious conflict that would visit the region with such ferocity. Two decades later, there is general stability in the region; yet, tensions among some nations and ethnic groups remain high. Scroll down for reports.

Goal: Resolve historical conflicts among peoples and nations in the Balkans region, with particular focus on Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia.

Method: Consultations among political, social, and religious leaders in the region as well as from the wider European community to consider paths to peace in the Balkans.

Pristina, Kosovo—Kosovo’s prime minister was the keynote speaker at a Balkans Leadership Conference held under the auspices of the Government of Kosovo.

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Geneva, Switzerland—An Albanian Peace Council of Albanians living in Switzerland received its inauguration.

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Tirana, Albania—Six former heads of state and government attended a Balkans Leadership Conference.

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Pristina, Kosovo—The regional chair and president of UPF invited the prime minister to the next UPF World Summit.

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London, United Kingdom—An Albanian Peace Council of Albanians living in the U.K. received its inauguration.

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Tirana, Albania - The Albanian Peace Council, a structure of UPF-Albania and Kosovo, organized a conference on June 14, 2014, at the Academy of Science in Tirana on “The Cultural and Historical Legacy of the Chami Ethnic Group and Perspectives on a Peaceful Resolution.”

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Presheva, Serbia - Members of the Albanian Peace Council visited Serbia April 26-27, 2014, to organize a peace council in the city of Presheva, the cultural center of Albanians living in South Serbia.

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Tirana, Albania - In iits biennial meeting on Dec. 21, 2013, UPF-Albania’s Presiding Council approved 21 decisions, including the General Plan of Activities and the budget for 2013-2015.

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Prizren, Kosovo - After listening to reports from local peace council meetings throughout Albania, UPF-Albania's National Peace Council elected new new leaders at its Nov. 16 and 17 assembly in Prizren, a historic city in the neighboring Republic of Kosovo.

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Skopje, Macedonia - Taking advantage of the presence of UPF International President, Dr. Thomas Walsh, and UPF-Europe Secretary General, Mr. Mark Brann, for the Third International Conference: Dialogue among Religions and Civilizations (organized by the Ministry of Culture and UNESCO), UPF-Macedonia and FON University organized a conference on May 10, 2013 to introduce UPF to professors and students.

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Pristina, Kosovo - More than 100 people attended the opening of a conference on "A Comprehensive Vision of Peace, Security and Development,” in Pristina on April 20, 2013.

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Pristina, Kosovo - A conference in the government offices of Pristina May 28 and 29, 2012, explored how Kosovans and the international community can best support peaceful and effective state-building.

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