Address to the Middle East Peace Initiative
May 18, 2004

I would like to extend our warm greetings to all of you, women, men and families, who arrived here from all over the world and from Israel; from various religions and different nationalities. I would like to thank Dr. and Mrs. Moon for their endless work for peace and for giving us the inspiration for our peace work in the Middle East.

Every woman and man, who is here, gives the other the hope that there are other people that want peace.

During the last 40 days, mothers from Japan, Korea, and USA united with Israeli women to work for peace. They left their families to support the people of the Holy Land.

From morning to night we visited Jewish and Arab homes. There wasn’t one house in Jerusalem that we didn’t knock on its door.

In this journey we met dozens of families that were hit with violence, Jews and Arabs alike. We met people with open wounds. We met deep pain that bled in the hearts of the two nations. We met the nightmares that haunt the families that were hit, and we met people, who confessed that they had killed, and shared with us their daily hell.

The intensity of the pain hasn’t finished even after 20 years. Each victim of a terror attack has families and friends that carry with them the trauma.

We met anger and desire for revenge. We also met forgiveness. Jews and Arabs from the entire rainbow of political opinions kept telling us: “There isn’t anyone who doesn’t want peace”

Is it really impossible to heal the pain?

We are in a rally titled “A mother’s heart for peace”

A mother’s heart can heal a child’s pain.

A mother will fight for her child’s life even at the cost of her own life.

A mother will take total responsibility for the mistakes of her children, if only it will keep her child safe. A mother will do everything to restore her child even if he makes a grave mistake.

A mother is willing to live for the sake of her children without asking for anything in return.

A mother’s heart cannot forget her children even if they hurt her. A mother’s heart contains love.

Let us all join together, women and men, children of Sara and children of Hagar. We are all children of God.

Let us all feel the beating heart of a mother, and become a mother to these two nations that live on this land, Jews and Arabs. Let us feel that in our womb there are twins fighting, killing and hurting each other, and every time they hit each other your womb is in anguish and pain.

As a mother, we will take 100% responsibility for the pain of our two sons and love them.

We will do everything, so that they can become friends. We will support them so they can understand each other, and we will heal each other’s pain by teaching them to live for the sake of others. We will pray that they will forgive each other and even love each other.

Because of our faith and love we can heal this cancer that is eating us alive. These two nations must heal.

I hope we won’t loose our faith that we can create a paradise on this earth. A paradise of peacefulness and sisterhood; a paradise of harmony, with faith in our hearts that there is still a chance for love; there is a chance for true peace, and that we can see ourselves, Jews and Arabs as one, children of God.

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