Family to Family Adoption: The International Relief Friendship Foundation matches sponsors with families in need. The goal is to promote dignity. In Bethlehem, for example, a father who had been without work for five years was unable to support the family's needs after the closing of the border. He was matched with a sponsor in the US who provided money for two sheep to supply daily milk to the four children and eventually a sustainable income through the breeding and selling of sheep. 

Medical Project: Visits to hospitals in Ramallah, Hebron, and Bethlehem highlighted both the difficulty of health care in the West Bank and the possibilities for increased medical cooperation. Dr. Peter Patel, a participant in MEPI peace trips, is exploring possibilities for collaboration with the Birmingham Children’s Hospital in the United Kingdom.

Intercultural Charity Concerts: A charity concert to benefit the Bereaved Families Forum was held at St. Peter’s Church in London. Israeli, Palestinian, Egyptian, and Saudi musicians shared their talents and cultural influences. A second concert benefited Palestinian Youth for Non-Violent Democracy and the Charities of the Bishop of Jerusalem to aid traumatized children of Palestine, Haifa, and Lebanon.

Youth Exchange: Austrian families arranged for Palestinian youth to attend summer camps in Vienna and the Austrian countryside. “The goal was to give the youth from different cultures an opportunity to get to know each other, and for the Palestinians to spend a week in a peaceful environment,” explained organizer Erni Loos. "Also, Austrians should be able to see that there are peaceful people in the Middle East, not just terrorists, as often portrayed in the media."

New Hope for Gaza: UPF is committed to working with all segments of israeli and Palestinian society, and in particular working with religious leaders, youth, and children. Computers have been donated to youth centers, and sports programs offer the young people hope that they can leave behind the conflict and hardships.

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