Northeast Asia Peace Initiative
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- Written by: Woonsang Choi, Professor of International Law and Relations, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea
US Ambassador to Korea Alexander Vershbow announced on May 9, 2007, that on the condition that North Korea carries out the terms of the February 13, 2007 agreement on the denuclearization of North Korea, the United States was ready to declare the end of the Korean War.
- Written by: Paul Chamberlin, President, Korea-US Consulting, Inc.
Has the time finally come for peace to break out on the Korean Peninsula? Is the call for a Korea peace regime sincere, or is it a distraction—a red herring? What is America’s role?
- Written by: Yun Duk Kim, Government Minister, Republic of Korea
Humankind has always dreamed of a happy, prosperous life in a free and righteous society. Despite such dreams, however, humanity has been suffering from minor and major wars, disputes, and conflicts.
- Written by: Dr. Toshio Kawabe, Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan
One of the elements of this theme is the peaceful reunification of two Koreas. I have deep sympathy with the Korean people for their yearning for ultimate reunification of their homeland.
- Written by: Hee Soo Jeong, Member, Korean National Assembly
On February 13, 2007, in accordance with the agreement on the initial phase of actions for the implementation of the Joint Statement of September 19, 2005, the discussions on the matter of a peace and security system in Northeast Asia began in earnest.
- Written by: Stephen Linton, Chairman, Eugene Bell Foundation
North Koreans are not always easy to like, but are impossible to ignore. This is not a trait unique to the northern half of the Korean Peninsula. Koreans have been this way throughout their history.
- Written by: Hon. Huh Moon-doh, Minister of Unification, Republic of Korea, 1986-1988
True love is the mightiest strategic tool for melting down all strife and conflict in this world. The realm of true love surpasses all barriers.
- Written by: Dr. Juro Nakagawa, Professor of Management, Tokyo Keizai University, Japan
Regional economic cooperation in Northeast Asia will be imperative for energy cooperation in the area. The European Union’s formation was due to the fact that Europe was very closely connected by a natural gas pipeline. If Northeast Asia is connected by an energy pipeline, it will contribute much to the stable supply of energy and eventually the peace of the region.
- Written by: Kathryn Weathersby Senior Associate, Cold War History Project, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC
- Written by: Hon. Hiroshi Kumagai, Former Member of the Diet, former Cabinet Minister, Japan
The Northeastern Asian region has seen dramatic changes during the past decade. Understanding this fact is crucial to thinking about how the parties involved in this region can construct peace and security.
- Written by: Gail Paine
At the first conference of the United Nations Peacekeeping Korean War Memorial Federation, more than 250 veterans gathered, creating a delegation representing all the nations who sent troops into battle representing the UN.
- Written by: Erich Weingartner, Korea Peace Forum
It is not easy to form a relationship with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea [DPRK], even when your objectives are purely humanitarian. Over the past few years much more has been learned about human rights violations, the existence of labor camps, and the continuing flow of defectors, refugees and migrants fleeing into China and South Korea for economic and political reasons.