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Participants: Reflections on Latin America Summit 2018

Reflections on the Latin America Summit 2018, São Paulo, Brazil, August 25, 2018

Many thanks for your invitation, your warm welcome in São Paulo, and, much more, for your attention. I will never forget these moments shared with so many leaders and personalities engaged in the fight for peace all over the world. Once again, thank you.

~ H. E. Jocelerme Privert, former president, Haiti

My wife and I very much appreciate the lovely photographs of our time together at the Latin America Summit that we received. We will always cherish and hold dear these memories in our hearts. UPF did a tremendous job and showed a sterling commitment, embracing universal ecumenical beliefs and great human and spiritual love under the enriching inspirational leadership of dear Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. Our efforts together changed the lives of so many in Brazil and made the world a better place. This is a quick response since we are still recovering from over 12 hours on the go but you will hear from us and our reflections in greater detail in the coming days. Once more, our deepest appreciation to you and to UPF for a job well done!

~ Justice Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona, fifth president of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and former First Lady Reema Carmona

I appreciate the invitation and I am very happy to have participated in this important event. Each of the exhibitors has shown quality and enthusiasm in each of their themes. I conclude with this small reflection, indicating that the population, worldwide, needs a lot of moral support in order to recover values and virtues, especially for our young people, in order to strengthen the family. I will carry this experience back to my country and share with my colleagues that investment in education is a very important complement to the happiness of our homes. Congratulations for making me part of this great organization. WORLD PEACE - JUSTICE AND VALUES, thank you,

~ Hon. Luis Alberto Yika Garcia, Member of Parliament, Peru

I felt very comfortable in this conference. I learned a lot and, as a representative of Universal Freemasonry, I will take this experience to my lodge and put it into practice in my region. I am also an Ambassador of Peace. Thank you very much for the invitation. I will always be willing to participate and cooperate, and to work for peace.

~ Mr. Juan Nicanor Peña, Dominican Republic

I thank God for being part of the Universal Peace Federation. I consider the Latin America Summit 2018 held in São Paulo, Brazil, very important, especially when taking into account the speakers were such high level quality and that they called for peace in the world, based on ending poverty, and improved education and health care. I applaud highly the efforts of UPF and the founder, Dr. Moon. Amen.

~ Hon. Juan Antonio Denis, former parliamentarian, Paraguay

In my opinion I felt that it was one of the best events I have ever participated in, especially in the sessions when we heard Dr. Hak Ja Han speak. She was very calm and clearly expressed her ideas without following a script. She seemed comfortable despite being so many miles from her home. I observed a lot of participation on the part of the guests who expressed themselves with great positivity and enthusiasm. Unfortunately, I found the rally, venue too large and the chairs not especially comfortable; otherwise, I consider the event a total success. I pray that God's blessings will come to my homeland. The activities in the summit passed satisfactorily, with little arguments, all the while providing fertile territory for the personal growth of all.

~ Rev. Jorge Oliveira, National Leader, FFWPU-Nicaragua

It was a beautiful experience to share with many people. Our presence as the indigenous people of Argentina was very important. I hope that this world summit will call attention to the governments of each country to begin working in favor of humanity and to protect the life of our Mother Earth. It is critical that the nations do not continue to pollute and destroy the life of the planet. I pray that our leadership will focus on this important area of protecting the environment. “Haiem llaleq ena qompi Argentina,” which translates as “I am a son of the Qom People of Argentina.”

~ Qarashe Felix Diaz, Argentina. Consultative and Participatory Council of the Indigenous People of the Argentine Republic

I consider the Latin America Summit 2018 a great success. The initiatives are extremely needed. I would be happy to continue to engage with UPF International and its affiliate organizations. It was very well organized. Excellent time management. The presentations from the delegates were very informative.

~ Bishop Juan Edghill, Member of Parliament of Guyana

The conference was well organized, however, the time allotment of seven minutes per speech was too brief, especially when politicians are invited to speak and address the theme.

~ H.E. Ramsewak Shankar, former president of Suriname

A great activity. Congratulations to the organizers of this summit for peace and for having chosen brilliant speakers. It is well past the time to start working for world peace. Our commitment is to continue working with the Argentine families. Let's work hard to develop UPF's character education program. We must promote and enact laws in the Argentine Parliament that strengthen families. Values strengthen world peace. It is necessary to work with environmental policies for local development. As Reverend Moon said: "Let us work to be the seed for an American revolution.” Congratulations. You can count on my participation to work for this great goal of peace.

~ Hon. Alicia Soraire, National Deputy, Argentina

It was very revealing. With joy I attended the sessions. I think that participants must be more serious about the presentations than enjoying mealtimes. I thank the founders and all the staff for hosting us so warmly and lovingly. May God bless you all!

~ Hon. Albertina Clarke, Congresswoman from Suriname

The most important thing is that we assembled together with a common purpose. I believe that this was an opportunity given to us by the Creator to work for greater unity in the world. Let us share this message with sincere and profound gratitude with other brothers and sisters from different countries. Blessings,

~ Máximo Ortiz, Ambassador for Peace, Peru

First and foremost, I thank Heavenly Parent and the founders for this great opportunity. Our Suriname delegation consisted of six people and myself. We are inspired to work more closely together and bring a new start to the Suriname providence. We are very inspired by the spirit of brotherhood here in Brazil and all the Latin America members and dignitaries. Our second gens, staff and organizers were excellent. We would like the help of UPF International to further the work in Suriname. We are very hopeful,

~ Rev. Roel Rotgans, FFWPU leader, Suriname

To the UPF family, what an experience this has been for me. Life changing, empowering, transformative and invigorating describe my experiences and feelings. Mother Moon’s opening address was prophetic, provocative, profound and providential. The message of peace as living for the sake of others through the values of dignity, humanity, justice and love are abiding lessons, which I will carry with me. The fellowship was deep and refreshing, and the God-centeredness was truly felt. Thanks to Brother Dennis Salmon for this enlightening experience. I leave Brazil with a greater sense of commitment to my partner and the desire to realize this vision for peace. World peace is possible,

~ Rev. Stephen Henry, Minister of Religion, Stewart Town Baptist Church, Jamaica

I want to say thanks to God and the founders who made possible this great event. The activities were wonderful from beginning to end. The speakers were profound in their reflections on peace. I thank the staff of the Summit who invested all their heart to make this program happen. I have learned a lot, and am ready, more than ever before, to work for peace beginning with my own family.

~ Rev. Paul Theódule, FFWPU leader, Haiti

It was an unforgettable international meeting, very enriching and fruitful. The organization of the event was excellent in all aspects. All the young staff were impeccable and extremely attentive and efficient with the participants without exception. It was a great moment of learning and sharing in Brazil;, an experience that we never had before. Everything that happened was well coordinated and complementary. Everything was beautiful and nearly perfect. There was a sense of harmony and poetry in all the UPF programs. And poetry is life! We hope there will be continuity, insistence, persistence, resilience, creativity and diversity, so that the next events will reach perfection. I am sure it will be. Congratulations to all and thanks for everything!   

~ Delmar Maia Gonçalves, Ambassador for Peace; president of CEMD, Portugal


To go to the Latin America Summit 2018 Schedule page, click here.