Libreville, Gabon - The president of UPF-Gabon, Mr. Pierre-Claver OBAME Essone, Adviser to the President of the Republic and Director of Personnel of the Party in power, addressed a gathering of Ambassadors for Peace and invited guests on the topic of "Creating a world of peace, one family at a time."

Following a video showing UPF's activities around the world in support of the United Nations' efforts to build peace, Rev. A. Ntoko TATY Nelson spoke about family values as having their origin in God-centered families of true love. After this presentation, Lecticia Bouanga offered a solo on the theme of peace, filling the hall with joyful music.

People in the audience expressed hope that this family initiative can be sustained. "When there is a lack of religious education in families, the family becomes destabilized," remarked H.E. El Hadj NABIL KOUSSOU Inama, a former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia and an Ambassador of Peace. Other responses included:

"Science without conscience is a human loss. If new technologies and new civilizations do not acknowledge God, they can destroy family values." - Pierre-Claver OBAME Essone, former Adviser to the Mayor and President of the Republic, Ambassador for Peace.

"The media, especially television and the Internet, serve as vehicles for transmitting information and knowledge, but on the other hand, the images they show can destroy the family. A responsible media needs to weigh the consequences of its impact on society." - Thérèse ESSENG NDONG

"Self-centeredness in the family and violence in society come from the lack of equitable sharing with each other. All those who are in the position to lead should be involved in the rehabilitation of family values: parents, teachers, political leaders, etc." - MBADINGA Pierre André

At the end of the program, the President of UPF-Gabon read the Declaration of the International Day of Families.

To read UPF's Declaration on Families, click here.


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