Douala, Cameroon - The observance of the International Day of Families was held on May 15 at the Hotel Lewat with an attendance of almost 70 people of various sectors of society, including religious leaders, professors, journalists, and business people.

The MC of the event was Mr. Kemkeng Jean David, Regional Secretary-General of UPF in the Littoral region. The audience stood and sang the Cameroon national anthem.

Since we always start our programs with a prayer, this humble tradition was respected. Rev. Pastor Nogol of the Pentecostal Church offered a prayer dedicating the event to Almighty God.

Mrs. Njuh Marie Louise, the Littoral Regional coordinator of UPF, gave the welcoming address, emphasizing the noble role and great responsibility of the family toward the community, society, nation, and the world.

Then, Professor Hubert Mono Ndjana, an Ambassador for Peace and a noted professor of philosophy, read the message of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the theme of “The impact of migration on families around the world.” The audience was touched and responded with applause.

After the message from the UN, Mrs. Lau Asong, national coordinator of UPF-Cameroon, read the declaration of the Universal Peace Federation concerning the family and gave additional explanations.

Then the MC introduced the National Secretary General of UPF-Cameroon, Rev. Fongoh Innocent, who elaborated on the theme of the day, accenting the various causes of migration and giving examples. He also asked everyone to be more conscious and concerned about the issue of migration. He concluded by saying that love is the key to stabilizing a family and that a stable family leads to a stable society, nation, and world. People in the audience made comments, and the ceremony ended with group photos and refreshments.

For more information about UPF chapters' celebrations of the International Day of Families, click

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