Honiara, Solomon Islands - UPF-Solomon Islands sponsored a forum at the Rock Havens Inn Hotel on May 19 to commemorate UN International Day of Families on the theme of “Ensuring Work-Family Balance.” The more than 60 participants included a diplomat, representatives from different faiths (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Scientology), youth leaders, community leaders, educators, and students.
The whole program was led smoothly by Mr. Johnson Siapu (Ambassador for Peace and former Assistant Commissioner of Police) as MC, with his timely comments and professional manner.
A special presentation by Mrs. Laniata Leo (Counselor at the Christian Care Centre and former General Secretary of the National Council of Women) inspired audience into ardent discussion on the real family situation in Solomon Islands in which many women are suffering from domestic violence, as many as three out of five women. Some comments from the audience pointed out that there is a high rate of unstable families among government leaders who are supposed to show a good example, and it was suggested that the government invest more funds in services such as family counseling and that programs on the International Day of Families be initiated by the government in keeping with the worldwide awareness on the family.
Four certificates were presented to newly appointed Ambassadors for Peace: Ms. Joyce Bundu (Deputy High Commissioner of Papua New Guinea), Venerable Pele (65th Dahmmachai Education Foundation), Mrs. Laniata Leo (Counselor at the Christian Care Centre and former General Secretary of the National Council of Women), and Mr. Andrew Lilimae (Administration Director, Solomon Islands College of Higher Education).
To read more about UPF observances of the International Day of Families 2012, click here.