Dhaka, Bangladesh - The UPF, the Women's Federation for World Peace, and the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) in Dhaka jointly organized a seminar on the International Day of Families titled “Ensuring Work Family Balance.” The seminar was attended by about 50 people, including religious leaders, educators, social workers, and student leaders. It was held on May 25 at the Dhaka Sundarban Hotel.
After the welcome remarks by Mrs. Zeenat Ara Bhuiyan, President of the Women's Federation for World Peace-Bangladesh, Mr. M. Moniruzzaman, Knowledge Management Officer of UNIC Dhaka, presented the main speech by introducing UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Message. He reported about the worldwide observances of the International Day of Families highlighting the need for work-family balance.
Moderated by Prof. Nusrat Sulutana, three speakers shared their experiences, building on the theme of “balance” within the families. Mrs. Selina Khaleque, Vice President of UN Association of Bangladesh, shared about developing a balanced partnership between husband and wife. Mr. Tetsuya Amano, Assistant Secretary General of UPF-Bangladesh, shared about balancing spirituality and practical affairs. Dr. Kali Prasanna Das, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Philosophy at Savar University and College, shared about balancing public and private responsibilities. Finally, Prof. Dr. M. Shamsher Ali, Chairman of UPF-Bangladesh, gave the concluding speech evaluating the points made by each speaker.
Through this seminar, participants came to understand that families have been affected by the social, economic, and demographic processes in different areas and eras. UPF offers insights into the family and balance of relationships and responsibilities based on God’s purpose of creation.
To read more about UPF observances of the International Day of Families 2012, click here.