Tirana, Albania—About 200 participants, including the former president of Albania, attended an event at the UNESCO Hall of the National Historic Museum of Albania to celebrate International Day of Families 2016.
UPF Albania worked jointly with two affiliated organizations—Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) and Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP)—as well as the National Historic Museum of Albania to organize the May 12 meeting.
Former Albanian President H.E. Alfred Moisiu was present, as well as members of Parliament, Ambassadors for Peace, members of FFWPU, WFWP, and the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP), and other guests. We were happy to have with us also the regional chair of UPF Europe, Mr. Jack Corley, and the special envoy of the UPF Founders to Albania and Kosovo, Rev. Gi Young Shin.
The theme for this year decided by the UN for the International Day of Families was “Families, Healthy Lives and Sustainable Future.”
Mr. Gani Rroshi, the president of FFWPU of Albania, opened the event by underlining the importance of the International Day of Families. The program continued with an artistic program prepared by international students of CARP and the famous Albanian tenor Kastriot Tusha.
The welcoming address was given by Mrs. Lavdie Ruci, chair of the Tirana Peace Council. Mrs. Ruci emphasized the importance of the family, especially at such a time of world crisis. H.E. Alfred Moisiu, former president of Albania, gave the congratulatory message. He thanked the organizers and asked for more such activities in order to raise people’s awareness about the family. President Moisiu mentioned that “the UPF Founders and Ambassadors for Peace have contributed greatly on the world level for the strengthening of the family. For this reason they have initiated several projects on all levels in order to wake up human consciousness and protect the institution of the family.”
On behalf of the director of the National Historic Museum, Mrs. Etleva Demollari, who is responsible for education activities at the institution, quoted the museum director, saying that “Happiness starts in the family; peace starts there too. Therefore we have to do everything necessary to protect the family.”
A video presentation on the UPF Principles of Peace was shown, followed by the keynote address given by Mr. Jack Corley, the regional chair of UPF Europe. Mr. Corley emphasized the importance of having strong families in order to build a strong nation of Albania.
Hon. Gaqo Apostoli, the chair of UPF Albania, gave the closing remarks by thanking all participants and proclaiming that this day should be a celebration for the family. He concluded his message by singing the song “The Power of Love.”
At the end of the meeting, eight individuals and couples, very prominent figures for our nation, received the Ambassador for Peace certificate in recognition of their excellent family life and public contributions.
The goal of the event was to promote universal values, which help family members to bond in love with each other and strengthen the family as the first institution of humanity. From there, citizens can build a prosperous, great nation which can help to create peace in the world and also take its place as “One Family under One God.”
Special thanks to the National Historic Museum which supported the event by offering the hall and facilities.
In the future we will welcome more individuals and families who embody the Principles of Peace and live a life for the sake of others and make the family of Ambassadors for Peace the biggest in Albania!