Fiji-2016-05-16-International Day of Families Observed in Fiji

Nausori, Fiji—Eight exemplary married couples were honored as part of the UPF-Fiji celebration of the U.N. International Day of Families 2016.

Those chosen to receive the Happily Married Couple award at the May 16 event were seven couples who have maintained and respected the value and sacredness of marriage for between 35 and 50 years as well as one newly married couple.

The more than 95 attendees at the event, which was held at Saraswati College, included 23 students of the college’s Tong-Il Moo-Do martial arts club, along with their parents and several invited guests.

On this very important day UPF was proud to welcome the former first lady of the republic of Fiji, Mrs. Adi Koila Mara Nailatikau, as the chief guest.

The program was organized by UPF-Fiji together with the Fiji chapters of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) and Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP), two affiliated organizations. Saraswati Ramayan Mandali was co-organizer of the program. Saraswati Ramayan Mandali and FFWPU-Fiji are in the process of signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to become partner organizations.

UPF-Fiji Secretary General Wasu Deo, acting as master of ceremonies, spoke about the significance of true love. He asserted that true love is the way to break down barriers and solve the problems of the world.

Mr. Santosh Neupane, chair of FFWPU-Fiji, gave a lecture on “The Family Is the School of Love and Peace.” Mr. Santosh focused on the importance of love, life and lineage. He explained the core teachings of the UPF founders about maintaining purity before marriage and fidelity after marriage.

The former first lady of Fiji gave a very inspiring message, pointing out that good families are the foundation of a balanced society in which people’s external and internal development are both valued.

Mr. Sat Narayan, the president of the Saraswati Ramayan Mandali Foundation and also the president of the school management, acknowledged both UPF-Fiji and FFWPU-Fiji for their service to the community. He asked the audience to recognize the efforts and sacrifices of families and forefathers of the past and make efforts to build a strong family bond within every family.

The last speaker was Mrs. Shobhana Ram, the president of WFWP-Fiji. She gave a very inspiring message about the different situations of families in the Fiji Republic, and she explained about the necessity of values education and character education.

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