Argentina-2017-06-07-International Day of Families Observed in Argentina



Buenos Aires, Argentina—Twelve couples who have been married between 28 and 59 years were recognized by UPF-Argentina during the June 7, 2017 celebration of the International Day of Families.

“Families, Education and Well-being” was the theme chosen by the UN for the 2017 International Day of Families. This year’s observance “focuses on the role of families and family-oriented policies in promoting education and overall well-being of their members” and supports Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3: “Good Health and Well-being;” Goal 4: “Quality Education;” and Goal 5: “Gender Equality.”

Background information about the Day was read by Ambassador for Peace and UPF-Argentina Peace Council member, Mrs. María Teresa Herrera, pastor of the international ministry, Rescate al Mundo. Later, congratulatory messages UPF-Argentina received for this occasion were read (1); Mr.  Carlos Varga, director of UPF-Argentina, gave a speech; and an excerpt from a speech by UPF Founder Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, was read (2).

Among the honorees were Apolonio Dantas and Gloria Miranda (28 years of marriage); David Alberto Frol and Nélida Silvina Rodríguez (28 years); Edgardo Augusto Maidana and Norma Elisa Del Risco Sánchez (30 years); Néstor Rubén Sayago and Antonia Lovato (33 years); Humberto Raúl Camarota and Patricia Lucía Mingrone (34 years); and Marcelo Ruiz de Olano and Mirta Susana Gallardo (35 years). Also honored were Alberto Márquez Varela and María Cristina Fusco (38 years); Julio Schlosser and Susana Elena Degetman (45 years); Jorge Alfredo Landoni and Carmen Dolores Arredondo (45 years); Santos Ortega and Rebeca María Lagos Vargas (48 years); Pedro Segura and Noemí Helvecia Nava (51 years); and Mario Tavella and Norma Rossi (59 years). Some couples were Ambassadors for Peace and others were recommended by them.

Each couple received a framed certificate; a copy of the autobiography of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, “As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen;” the anthology, “Peace as the Protection of Creation;” and UPF-Argentina’s statements on the International Day of Families (3) and the Global Day of Parents (4)

One of the couples who were honored, Santos Ortega and Rebeca María Lagos Vargas of the Camino Simple school, which provides education and training in oriental disciplines so that “everyone can find their path to help others,” presented the “Circle of Life” with a group of children, young people and adults. The three groups, representing three generations in the family—children, parents and grandparents—performed a combination of t‘ai-chi ch‘üan, yoga and kenpō movements.

At the end of the event, all the honored couples, along with representatives of UPF-Argentina and members of the chapter’s Peace Council, shared in the symbolic cake cutting.

A video of photos from the event can be viewed at


(1) Select Congratulatory Messages


“I support this great celebration of the family, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which proclaims that we belong to one great human family.”

Dr. Irene Mercedes Aguirre

Ambassador for Peace and member of the World Network of Family Studies, University of Murcia (Spain)

“Home is the place where children learn the path towards a life of love and happiness. Peace arises at home. Practicing and teaching love is the essential role of parents and the family.”

Elena Paniagua, president of Ciudad Hermana de San Clemente Argentina-Estados Unidos

“I sincerely support and recognize [UPF’s] celebration of the International Day of Families and their efforts to achieve their mission of promoting peace and individual, family and social values through…joint cooperation, based on values.”

Dr. David Alberto Frol, advisor of the Lawyers Association of Brigham Young University’s J. Reuben Clark Law School, Sud América Hispana


(2) What good will it do a society to be economically prosperous and politically free if it is unable to solve the issues that cause all its families to exist in agony? Humankind has come to a point when it must find a teaching that protects and uplifts family values, and a method for putting such teaching into practice. In the post-Cold War age, we must protect and uplift family values.”


An excerpt from the speech, “Globalization and the Media: Looking to the Twenty-first Century,” given by Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon at the XIV World Media Conference on November 26, 1997 in Washington, D.C.

(3) Statement on the International Day of Families


UPF-Argentina honors the UN Resolution celebrating the International Day of Families (*) and shares the following statement on this significant date:

FIRST: UPF recognizes the family as the microcosm of the global community. Once the world finally arrives to an age in which sustainable peace and harmony can be enjoyed among peoples and cultures, this coexistence will be based on that basic unit, humanity’s heritage. In other words, a functional family is essential to building a healthy society, and is a significant element for reconciliation and peace.

SECOND: Regardless of any conditions of race, ethnicity, nationality, culture, and religious belief, we are all members of a certain family. Family is universal. Even more important, family is the school of love and ethics. Through experiences in our families, we learn how to value all the other relationships in our society, which is our bigger human family, and with friends, neighbors, coworkers, colleagues, and strangers. Moreover, families can help dissolve old resentments that fuel civil, tribal and religious conflicts.

THIRD: A faithful marriage between men and women, and a harmonious family, form the foundation for human development and social progress. It becomes essential for the growth and stability of children, character education, social relationships and civic duties. Solid, healthy and loving families help protect society from moral decline in young people; increase in crime, drugs and corruptions; as well as the spread of infections such as HIV/AIDS.

FOURTH: The family has successfully adapted to changes throughout history. It has survived revolutions and empires, and it has prevailed despite the economic and social turbulence in many societies. This is called adaptability; nonetheless, nowadays it is being threatened by a range of social, economic, cultural, political and ideological situations. This is the time to strengthen the family. To restore the family is a way of addressing the spread of social and civil problems that desolate this world.

FIFTH: Everlasting peace will not be settled just with the establishment of laws supported by the State and with the cooperation of social organizations. All of this has to be ensured as a basic human right, promoting awareness of human solidarity as a family, as brothers and sisters that share a moral and spiritual heritage. In short, as one universal family under the same God.

For this reason, UPF-Argentina celebrates the International Day of Families, with 2017 marking the twenty-third anniversary of the International Year of the Family.

Argentina, May 15, 2017

(*) In 1993, the UN General Assembly designated May 15 as the International Day of Families (resolution 47/237, September 20). In 1989, the General Assembly proclaimed 1994 as the International Year of the Family (resolution 44/82) as a way to “raise awareness, increase understanding and promote policies that improve the position and well-being of the family.”

 (4) “Honoring Life”

Statement for the Global Day of Parents 2017

UPF-Argentina values and celebrates the Global Day of Parents (*) (resolution 66/292*, adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 17, 2012) and, on this occasion, delivers the statement, “Honoring Life”:  

  1. Life is a gift, and is the first, essential human right to ensure. Life is being threatened everywhere, not only in areas of conflict and war, but also within society, by old and new political, economic, and social conditions, such as terrorism. Even if it is redundant: all rights and values come from the respect for life.
  1. Honoring parents as the giver of life and values. Being a responsible father and mother requires sacrifice, daily commitment, time, and love. Therefore, we reaffirm the value of those who decide to give birth to children, the most precious resource of humanity. We also value those who assumed this role in challenging social realities.
  1. A father and a mother are the backbone of the family. The understanding and communication with and mutual love between a father and mother are vital for raising a child and developing his/her talents, personality, and love; and for him/her to be honest and support the community. Children are the privileged ones in a home, which includes grandparents, keeper of traditions and source of experiences and wisdom.
  1. Acknowledging and honoring the Creator, our common origin according to the most diverse spiritual traditions. Maker of the sacred value of life, maker of the essential universal relationship: Father/Mother/Son-Daughter, which makes us belong to a great universal family. This divine essence in each being and our common destiny can be celebrated on this Global Day of Parents.

UPF considers it essential to create a culture of peace and achieve sustainable social development, which requires our commitment and daily cooperation. Therefore, we urge governments, non-profit organizations, companies and academic institutions to create conditions of well-being and stability through promoting and supporting innovative projects and programs aimed at increasing the value of life and the inalienable human dignity.

Argentina, June 2017

(*) Global Day of Parents: UN Resolution 66/292

  1. Decides to proclaim 1 June the Global Day of Parents, to be observed annually, honoring parents throughout the world;
  1. Invites Member States to celebrate the Global Day of Parents in full partnership with civil society, particularly involving young people and children;
  1. Requests the Secretary-General to bring the present resolution to the attention of all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system and civil society organizations for appropriate observance.

130th plenary meeting

17 September 2012


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