Russia-2019-05-15-International Day of Families Observed in Moscow

Moscow, Russia—The Moscow chapter of UPF organized a flash mob related to the International Day of Families.

The action, which took place on May 15, 2019, was aimed at informing citizens about this date and also taking a survey to find out how much Muscovites know about the UN-designated commemoration. UPF conducted a similar survey in the same area several years ago.

This year’s results showed that the number of respondents who know about this date increased. Approximately 16 percent of respondents answered that they knew or had heard about the International Day of Families.

It is worth mentioning that a number of major publications, both print and online, have published articles or entire columns about this day. Of course, most Russians know the Russian Day of Family, Love and Faithfulness, celebrated on July 8.

As the survey and flash mob showed, many citizens believe such dates to be important, and the additional focus on family topics could never be superfluous.

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