Moscow, Russia - In line with the UN proclamation of 2010 as the International Year of Rapprochement of Cultures, the Moscow House of Nationalities Youth Department developed a program called “Dialogue of cultures” under the guidance of Kristina Volkova. UPF-Russia's International Department Director Dima Oficerov was invited to participate in their yurt camp entitled “World without corners.” (Yurts are traditional round dwellings covered with felt.)
The project was held at “Ethnoworld” located in the Kaluga region and attended by young representatives from 25 cultures.
They were welcomed by an Indian in multicolored dress who trained them in archery; they played national Russian games, erected a Kyrgyz yurt, visited traditional Ukrainian and Belorussian homes, etc. The program ended with an ethnic disco party where they learned traditional dances of Chukotka reindeer breeders, Indian rajas, and Chinese dragons. “As a result," Dmitry said, "we became closer to each other. I met many interesting, intellectual and benevolent people among the representatives of multi-confessional and multinational Moscow.”