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Earth Day Lessons Taught in Far East Russia

Khabarovsk, Russia - The 1st-formers of gymnasium №8 of Khabarovsk continue with their education that helps these girls and boys become global citizens. Representatives of UPF-Far East Russia help them to hit the target.

This time, the guests shared with the children about Earth Day, which is celebrated all around the world on April 22, 2013. This date was proclaimed at the 63rd Session of the UN General Assembly, on April 22, 2009 (Resolution A/RES/63/278), on the initiative of Bolivia. The objective of the Day is promoting harmonious interaction of humanity and nature on our planet.

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It is impossible to achieve peace on the planet without accomplishing peace in our minds, without learning to appreciate the small and seemingly insignificant entities that are part of our everyday surroundings. For the beginning, let it be one plain caterpillar. Education of heart begins precisely with this approach.

Look at that beauty! -
The boy is looking happily at his mother. -
It’s the Queen- caterpillar! Like it?
Let us feed and protect her!
(an excerpt from the poem "The Queen Caterpillar" by E. Asadov)

The children were asked to play the role of caterpillars and look at the world through their eyes. Using their fantasy, the children created stunning pictures. Caterpillars under the stars, caterpillars under the rainbow, caterpillars and butterflies... "Peace to Caterpillars!" "Live on, caterpillars!" - read some of the inscriptions on the drawings.

Then the whole class watched the video "Planet," about the origin of the Earth and development of humankind from ancient times up to our days. The children not only admired beautiful views of our mother Earth but also learned about different countries whose residents are in dire need of drinking water. And also there are places where the only source of income for local residents is sale of charcoal. With this purpose in mind, people ruthlessly cut down forests, which results in threatening rare species of animals and plants. Children were surprised to learn about these environmental and social problems. They promised that, as adults, they will do something to help these people to live in harmony with nature.

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