Geneva, Switzerland - In support of the follow up of the UN Human Rights Council Resolution A/HRC/26/L.20 on the Protection of the Family that was adopted on June 26, 2014, UPF joined together with the UN Family Rights Caucus, Family Watch International, Women’s Federation for World Peace, C-Fam and other NGOs to organize three side events during Sessions 27 in Geneva, Sept. 12-16, 2014.
“The Family as the Best Protector of Children’s Health and Rights,” Sept. 12
Speakers emphasized the fact that the two-parent natural family is still in vast parts of the world the most common and best adapted institution to assure children’s health and well being as well as the respect of their rights. The panel also explained some controversial interpretations of children’s rights based on the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. The panel ended with a group of younger children presenting a Declaration for the Rights of Children and Their Families.
"The Family and the Sustainable Development Goals: Family-based Solutions to World Problems,” Sept. 15
Speakers pointed out the great contribution to social and economic well being that is provided by the family as well as the need for the UN to include the family in formulating the Sustainable Development Goals. This side event paralleled the Panel Discussion of the 27th session of the Human Rights Council on the Protection of the Family, organized by the governments who were the authors of the Resolution for the Protection of the Family.
“Dangers of Early Sexualization of Children,” Sept. 16
Speakers addressed the very harmful influence of some newly developed sex education programs for school children on the kindergarten and primary school level.
Video reports of all the sessions are being prepared.