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International Mother Earth Day Observed in Peru

Peru-2018-04-20-Commemorating UN International Mother Earth Day 2018 in Peru

Lima, Peru—UPF-Peru celebrated the UN’s International Mother Earth Day on April 20, 2018, with a forum co-sponsored with Dr. Walker San Miguel Rodriguez, secretary general of the Andean Community of Nations. The forum was held in the Andean Community’s “El Gran Salon” at its headquarters in Lima, Peru. International Mother Earth Day was established by the UN General Assembly in 2009 “in order to achieve a just balance among the economic, social, and environmental needs of present and future generations, to promote harmony with nature and the Earth.”

The program was opened by Ambassador for Peace Dr. María Isabel Romaní Alcarraz, who warmly welcomed the 200 guests. A pharmacist who also has a PhD in public health, Dr. Alcarraz has extensive experience in local government work and is currently the general manager of the Pharmaceutical Society of Development in Health Services.

The message of the United Nations to commemorate the day was read by Susana López Merino, Ambassador for Peace and president of the Association of Organized Women. At the head table were UPF-Peru Secretary General Jaime Fernández, on behalf of UPF-Peru President Dr. Trevor E. Jones and an excellent group of panelists. Among the panelists were Dr. Victor Ruiz Caro Álvarez, former congressman of the Republic of Peru and member of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace; the economist Julio Cárdenas Sánchez, former president of the regional government of the San Martín Region; the environmental engineer Christian Conteras Otiniano, representing the Nature Conservancy; and Dr. Alcarraz.

At the end of the forum, 12 new Ambassadors for Peace were appointed, all of whom are in agreement with UPF’s guiding principles, such as living for the sake of others.
In addition, recognition was given to two environmental organizations, the Nature Conservancy and the Environmental Protection Institute, which were honored for their work on behalf of the Earth’s ecosystems.

The closing ceremony included the participation of two large musical groups, who captivated the audience and encouraged everyone to dance. The event was formally closed with the words of Dr. Victor Ruiz Caro Álvarez, former congressman and member of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace.

To view a video of the event, click here.

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