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UPF-Argentina Observes International Day of Older Persons

Argentina-2018-10-19-UPF-Argentina Observes International Day of Older Persons

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—In observance of the UN International Day of Older Persons, members of UPF-Argentina visited grandmothers at the Hogar San José, a nursing home in Ciudadela in Buenos Aires province, on October 19, 2018. During the visit, games were played, songs were performed, and gifts were presented, and everyone enjoyed empanadas together. The directors of the nursing home, Ambassadors for Peace Mr. Hugo Cattoni and his wife Leticia Castorina recognized UPF-Argentina for its work.

The nursing home is located in the Tres de Febrero municipality in Buenos Aires province and has been in operation since 1935. The nursing home assists people over 60 years of age and is supported by the international nonprofit organization Mensajeros de la Paz (Messengers of Peace) (

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