Moscow, Russia - UPF-Russia and the Model UN Secretariat activists conducted a program in support of the global campaign to “Rise and Act” against poverty and achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals under the slogan “Make your heart beat for the implementation of the UN MDGs.” The program took place on September 17 at the Russian State Humanitarian University,

The “Rise and Act” campaign was initiated by the UN in 2006.

The director of the UPF-Russia's International Department, Dmitry Oficerov, spoke before the students and presented projects directed at implementation of the Millennium Development Goals; that was followed by the signing of an open letter to the state authorities.

“It is a sort of a community appeal to the national leaders, reminding them about the promise they made and asking of them a more resolute coordination of the national budget for eradication of poverty and inequality on the global level without limiting themselves by unsubstantiated declarations of intentions,” said Oficerov.

After the participants of the action expressed their readiness to support leaders of nations in their activity to fulfill the commitments listed below, they began collecting signatures against poverty:

  • make the quality education and public health priorities in Russia’s development process;
  • leave a worthy ecological heritage to the future generations;
  • achieve improvement in the demographical situation of Russia;
  • encourage examples of positive lifestyle of the Russian population;
  • provide equality of possibilities for men and women;
  • consolidate the civil society in Russia.

We are going to rise on, and not only today, but day by day, in order to help end poverty and inequality by 2015!

We managed to make the hearts of 206 students and teachers beat against poverty.

The atmosphere was friendly and full of resolve to promote the UN Millennium Goals. The slogan “Rise and Act” became the slogan of peace and struggle against poverty. Even more important, on this day each of us could comprehend how important it is to be a part of something big and significant, a part of the world.

“We really believe that the present campaign will help people to realize the importance of the goals.  It is a global stride on the way to the future. People often forget that the way to nowhere also begins with the first step. We sincerely believe that our voice will be heard throughout the world and we call out: 'Rise and act!'” These are the words of Elena Kolesnichenko, Secretary General of the Model UN in the Russian State Humanitarian University.

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