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UN International Day of Families 2020

UPF-Argentina Commemorates UN International Day of Families

Argentina-2020-06-04-UPF-Argentina Commemorates UN International Day of Families via Zoom

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—UPF-Argentina recognized six couples who have been married for 31–49 years in the context of the International Day of Families 2020. The couples gave heartwarming life testimonies during a meeting held on June 4 through Zoom. On the occasion, the honorees were: Jorge Derudi Muñoz-Gabriela Ana Martínez (31 years), Ramón Héctor Rodolfo Mollo-Silvia Inés Sierra (32 years), Aldo Obdulio Olivieri-Elina Susana Di Blasi (36 years), Miguel Jaime Joskowicz-Sara Inés Cucien (40 years), Osvaldo Saavedra-Alicia Beatriz Bosse (45 years), and Arturo Eulogio Lea Place-María Luisa Molina (49 years) (*).


The meeting started with the words of Carlos Varga, member of the UPF-Argentina governing board. He told the group:

If men and women can achieve this consensus, this respect and all values encompassing marriage, then we can also spread those values to our neighbors. We firmly believe this relationship which can be achieved between parents and children is, as well, the way we can socially relate and respect each other in all generations: the generations of the youth and the adults. Thus, this idea, which comes back from previous centuries, of creating a fraternal society has to do with how parents regulate or manage their children’s growth and how they deal with all situations lived among siblings in a family. We can learn a lot about such experience in order to manifest it in society. This is why we believe that, even though UPF is an organization which is permanently upholding world peace, we cannot ignore that peace should be mainly rooted in each individual and, then, in the family.

At the end, he weighed the example of values in couples:

We are apprentices of you, of these beautiful married couples who are being recognized today, who are going to receive this award. Even though the award is symbolic, we are absolutely sure you teach us a life lesson to all of us and our society. Why? Because now it is very difficult for two people agree to carry out a project in any area: academic, social, political. In any organization, how difficult it is that two people agree to make progress! Imagine the coexistence of a man and a woman, two people, a marriage that lasts for more than 20, 30, 40 years. What does that mean? That they had to agree their entire life. That their entire life they had to find consensus, they had to share and come to an agreement: agreements for the home, for their children, for anything that was needed to make a progress in life. This is why we respect you, thank you, and recognize you on this occasion. We sincerely congratulate you.

The married couples were presented by Montserrat Muñoz Budi, who received recognition with her husband at the celebration of the International Day of Families 2018; and the Ambassadors for Peace Paz María Irene Giurlani, president and founder of “Real-izar la Paz” with the Literary School Resplandeciente; Marcos Daverio and Elsa Ortiz, coordinators of the folk ballet Huellas del Folklore; Liliana Hernández, Cultural Ambassador of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Government; and Inderveer Kaur, from the Sikh Dharma Temple in Argentina.

At the end, we had artistic numbers. From Córdoba, Aylin María Belén Rodríguez and Delfina Rodríguez performed “Mil Años” by Christina Perri. From Villa Adelina, Vicente López, Buenos Aires Province, Liliana Torres and Alberto Vera Sarubbi, who were recognized in the International Day of Families 2019, sang "Matrimonios Así," with music of José Luis Rodríguez. We closed the meeting with a symbolic toast and reading a poem of the Ambassador for Peace María Irene Giurlani, president and founder of “Real-izar la Paz.”

It is worth remembering that the international community has been focusing on the importance of families since 1980. The UN General Assembly has adopted many resolutions and statements, establishing the International Day of Families in 1993, the International Year of the Family in 1994 and the Global Day of Parents in 2012, recognizing that families do not only provide the responsibility of nurturing, but also protecting their children. It emphasizes that “for the full and harmonious development of their personality, children should grow up in a family environment and in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding.”

The International Day of Families was established by the United Nations in 1993 “to raise awareness of the fundamental role of families in the education of children from infancy and the learning opportunities that exist for children and young people.” UPF-Argentina annually supports this date, through which it seeks to strengthen the inter-generational bonds and highlight the commitment that is sacred for various spiritual traditions, for the protection and education of children. We also promote family values to revitalize the social network and community spirit for common good, which is one of the lines of action of UPF.


*) Recognitions at the International Day of Families 2020 – UPF-Argentina:

Jorge Derudi Muñoz-Gabriela Ana Martínez: They belong to the Neocatechumenal Way, a movement within the Catholic Church which was created with the Second Vatican Council. They met there, got married and had children. Jorge works as a school administrator, and Gaby is a housewife. They both dedicate “full-time” to their family, being parents of 10 children and grandparents of 6 grandchildren. They confess they do not know “what boredom is” and affirm that “silence at home is suspicious.” This married couple was recommended by Montserrat Muñoz Budi, who received with her husband recognition at the celebration of the International Day of Families 2018.

Ramón Héctor Rodolfo Mollo-Silvia Inés Sierra: They state they are “happy at being blessed by the Lord 32 years ago; united by His name, fulfilling His will, and living in His love. We are one heart and one soul.” They educate their children according to the Gospel, cultivating the spirit of love and service. They promote taking care of the neighbors’ needs, either material or spiritual. “By serving all brothers and sisters,” they confirm “this sacred bond for a peaceful coexistence.” They have three children and one grandchild. This married couple was recommended by Ambassador for Peace María Irene Giurlani, President and Founder of “Real-izar la Paz” with the Literary School Resplandeciente, which supports the celebration of the International Day of Families 2020.

Aldo Obdulio Olivieri-Elina Susana Di Blasi: They met in Zárate, in a club where Aldo played basketball and Elina prepared the children for swimming competitions. Once married, they worked in the cooperative of the Comandante Tomás Espora Nursery. They also worked in the Parents Commission of the Miriñaque Football Club. They are currently collaborating in the neighborhood association Nueva Pompeya Sud. They have three children. This married couple was recommended by Ambassadors for Peace Marcos Daverio and Elsa Ortiz, coordinators of the folk ballet Huellas del Folklore.

Miguel Jaime Joskowicz-Sara Inés Cucien: They met during their adolescence. They met once again after an overseas trip and never been separated since then. As any couple who has lived together for a long time, they had ups and downs, but they confess they still “choose each other every day.” They have two children and one grandchild. This married couple was recommended by Ambassador for Peace Liliana Hernández, Cultural Ambassador of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Government.

Osvaldo Saavedra-Alicia Beatriz Bosse: They married in the City of Buenos Aires on June 25, 1974. Osvaldo took courses in folk dances and tango, and Alicia took courses in dressmaking, folk dances and tango. They both joined the Ballet Raíces of Professor Humberto Gómez and currently belong to the ballet Huellas del Folklore, participating in various events. They have four children and eight grandchildren. This married couple was recommended by Ambassadors for Peace Marcos Antonio Daverio and Elsa Amelia Ortiz, coordinators of the folk ballet Huellas del Folklore.

Arturo Eulogio Lea Place-María Luisa Molina: They met when they were 15 years old, started dating and married when they were 26. Since then, they have been together. Last April 7 they celebrated 49 years of marriage. They are a Catholic family and believe that family is the strongest nucleus based on love to assess and develop ourselves in all areas of life: to become useful citizens for the community. They have four children: Mariela, Sebastián, Cecilia, and María de los Ángeles. They have two grandchildren. This married couple was recommended by Ambassador for Peace Inderveer Kaur, from the Sikh Dharma Temple in Argentina.

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