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Peace Education

UPF-Argentina’s 2020 Peace Road Is a “Virtual Walk” in 23 Provinces

Argentina-2020-11-29-UPF-Argentina’s 2020 Peace Road Is a “Virtual Walk” in 23 Provinces

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Argentina—“One Argentina Through Peace” was the theme of the sixth edition of Peace Road held in Argentina on November 29, 2020. Due to the current context of social distancing, it was proposed as a “virtual walk” throughout the 23 provinces, including the “white continent of peace,” Antarctica. We traveled from North to South, with messages of peace and hope from our daily work and commitment for the common good from each provincial institutional representative: solidarity, ecological, artistic, educational, interreligious, etc. (1). This year, we specially commemorated the 70th anniversary of the Korean War and the renewal of efforts and commitments for a peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula (2).


The first online destination was the “Cradle of the Constitution,” Santa Fe city (province of Santa Fe), then Paraná (Entre Ríos), San Carlos (Corrientes), Posadas (Misiones), Resistencia (Chaco), Clorinda (Formosa), San Salvador de Jujuy, Rosario de la Frontera (Salta), San Miguel de Tucumán, Santiago del Estero, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, La Rioja, Córdoba, San Juan, Las Heras (Mendoza), Villa Mercedes (San Luis), Neuquén, San Carlos de Bariloche (Río Negro), Río Gallegos (Santa Cruz), Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego), Marambio Base (Antártida); Puerto Madryn (Chubut), Alpachiri (La Pampa), and Pehuajó (Buenos Aires). The “virtual walk” began in Km. 0, in front of the National Congress in Buenos Aires, the beginning of national routes, where a group of cyclists initiated a more than 10 km. journey. The stops and messages in each city were possible due to the local institutional representatives:

Jackeline Giusti and Eduardo Borri

Coordinators of the Pacis Nuntii Movement

Santa Fe – Province of Santa Fe

Sandra Villalba

Coordinator of “Mensajeros de Francisco”

Paraná – Province of Entre Ríos

Graciela Larraburu

Mayor of San Carlos City

San Carlos - Province of Corrientes

Elena Gloria Alarcón

President of the “Sembrando Vida” Institute

Posadas - Province of Misiones

Héctor Pedro Del Valle

President of the former students from Don Bosco School

Resistencia - Province of Chaco

Jorge Antonio Rojas

Football School “los Albos de San Cayetano”

Clorinda - Province of Formosa

Pablo Martínez

Deputy Director of “Caminata de las Quenas”

San Salvador de Jujuy - Province of Jujuy

María Cristina Elías

President of the Foundation “Integrando Culturas Juana Manuela Gorriti”

Rosario de la Frontera - Province of Salta

Mimi Masmut

President of the Benavente Foundation

San Miguel de Tucumán - Province of Tucumán

Daniel Greppi

Children’s Home “Mamá Dora”

Santiago del Estero - Province of Santiago del Estero

Juan Esteban Ferreira

Radio Program “Mateando con la Vida”

San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca - Province of Catamarca

Gustavo Luna

Minister of Tourism and Culture of La Rioja

La Rioja - Province of La Rioja

Lucas Rodríguez

Coordinator of the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) Córdoba

Córdoba - Province of Córdoba

Jorge Chica

San Juan Secretary of Sports

San Juan - Province of San Juan

Javier Talquenca

President of the Atalay Foundation

Las Heras - Province of Mendoza

Jorge Alberto Escudero

President of the Micro-Entrepreneurs Chambers of Villa Mercedes

Villa Mercedes - Province of San Luis

Marisa Edith Valdebenito

President of the “Sendero de Esperanza para el Niño Oncológico” (SENO) Foundation

Neuquén - Province of Neuquén

Luciana Vidugiris


San Carlos de Bariloche - Province of Río Negro

Alejandro Chávez

Spartacus Youth Movement

Río Gallegos - Province of Santa Cruz

Gustavo Melella

Governor of the Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands

Ushuaia - Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands

Monseñor Santiago Olivera

Military Bishopric

Marambio Base – Antártida

Pamela Moore Brunt

Evacuation and First Aid Organization (CEPA) Chubut

Puerto Madryn - Province of Chubut

Bibiana Dukardt

Music Teacher

Municipal Dance School

Alpachiri - Province of La Pampa

Esteban Fauret and Amalia Daibes

Directors of the literary-ecological program “Y volverán a ser árboles”

Pehuajó - Province of Buenos Aires

This was a journey to learn and rediscover Argentina, its cultural richness and natural beauty, full of experiences and enthusiasm for its people and institutions, which demanded two hours of online travelling. In various venues, Peace Road created related activities, such as a bicycling in Santa Fe by Ambassadors for Peace Jackeline Giusti and Eduardo Borri, coordinators of the Pacis Nuntii Movement, producing a message with the Interreligious Board and Peace Culture. More than 60 kilometers were travelled by the Litoral Cycle Tourism. In Paraná (Entre Ríos), Ambassador for Peace Sandra Villalba, coordinator of “Mensajeros de Francisco,” along with the San Agustín Parish and other entities and volunteers, organized a solidarity day when they delivered food. In San Juan, Peace Road received the support of the three powers (executive, legislative and judicial). Through Jorge Chica, Secretary of Sports, and the Provincial Interreligious Board, they performed a special program that included raising the Peace Flag and presenting a commemorative plaque. In Tierra del Fuego, the message was transmitted by the governor, Gustavo Melella, stopping in the “white continent of peace:” the Antarctica (Marambio Base), thanks to Monsignor Santiago Olivera.

Speakers during the opening were Dong Mo Shin, regional director of UPF and the Peace Road Foundation in South America; and Silvia Giacoppo, national senator from Jujuy, Argentinian representative of the IAPP. Before and during the program, we also introduced representatives of different entities comprising the National Organizing Committee: Carlos Varga, UPF director and president of FFWPU-Argentina; Rosetta Conti, president of WFWP-Argentina; Adrián De Angelis, president of UPCAM and representative of IMAP-Argentina; David Frol, bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and representative of IAPD-Argentina; Patricia Pitaluga, president of Acercando Naciones; Luis Esparza and Johana Ochoa, president of Tong Il Mo Do in Argentina; Humberto Arena, representing YSP-Argentina; Christian Oreb, coordinator of Red Cooperar, who conducted the program with Luba Opeka, from the Foundation Akamasoa Argentina; and Miguel Werner, secretary general of UPF-Argentina.

When beginning the “virtual walk,” Carolina Estebarena, legislator from the City of Buenos Aires, gave a few words. Carolina’s governance allowed the Peace Road to be declared of “interest for the promotion and defense of human rights” by the City’s legislature (17/10/2019, Declaration 656/2019). In other cities and provinces, there were also other declarations of interest towards this global initiative, whose themes are “Connecting the World through Peace” and “Realizing the Dream of One Global Family.” There were also many messages, such as the one from Youth for Human Rights in Argentina and Uruguay, presided by Mabel Padilla and whose executive director is María Emilia Gallegos (3).

Before the closing, as part of the celebration, we connected the youth, who cycled across the City of Buenos Aires, reaching the Ecoparque, with CEPA and Sebas Armenault, professional solidarity marathon person. The artistic section followed with "Jerusalema," a challenge proposed by choreographer Adriana Boccalandro, former councilor of San Vicente, Buenos Aires Province, and Parliamentarian for Peace. The idea was to create empathy in the current context with the spirit of this popular African dance (“I am because we are”) related to 2020 Peace Road Argentina’s values and good practices. The following song was “Canción con todos,” which is half a century old and has gone around the world as part of the ideal of a united Latin America. The song was performed by a group of federal artists: Guillermo Dri (Entre Ríos), Alejandro Guardia (Buenos Aires) and Raúl Noriega and Julio Aymeric (Santiago del Estero). The final song was “Soñemos que Todo Es posible,” performed by the pop lyrical group Héroe, consisting of the baritone Federico Picone and tenors Alejandro Falcone and Sebastián Russo. At the end, there were salutations and acknowledgments to the various teams of the 2020 Peace Road Argentina, among them the technical coordinator Emanuel Sayavedra, president of YSP-Argentina.

Peace Road was declared of “interest for the promotion and defense of human rights” by the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Legislature (17/10/2019, Declaration 656/2019); “of interest” by the Chamber of Deputies of Salta Province (3/11/2020); “approved” by the Córdoba Legislature (13/11/2019); “of interest” by the Deliberative Council of Rosario de la Frontera (Salta) (11/11/2020); and “of municipal interest” by the mayor of Rosario de la Frontera (Salta) (20/11/2020). Also, the 2020 Peace Road was declared “of interest” by the Chamber of Deputies of San Juan Province (26/11/2020), by the Court of Justice of San Juan Province (27-11-2020), the Chamber of Deputies of Santa Fe Province (19/11/2020), the Chamber of Deputies of Entre Ríos Province (26/11/2020), the Honorable Deliberative Council of Pehuajó – Buenos Aires Province (11/11/2020) and the Honorable Municipal Council of the City of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz – Province of Santa Fe (26/11/2020). Meanwhile, there are similar declarations across the country being processed.

Peace Road, which acquires different forms in each country and region, is a global initiative that seeks to connect all peoples around the world through peace. Its goal is to reach a greater interrelation and well-being among nations and cultures, including an International Peace Highway. This annual campaign started in 2013 in Korea and has expanded into marches and diverse activities in dozens of countries from all regions. Argentina joined in 2015, with walks and cycling in the cities of Buenos Aires and Córdoba (4).

The 2020 edition was launched on November 18, attended by members of the National Organizing Committee and Provincial Institutional Representatives, announcing the November 29 program (5). On November 9, we held an online celebration to acknowledge provincial representatives and those who were part of the artistic section (6). It was a day of enthusiasm, joy and goodwill poured into this global initiative of “Connecting the World through Peace” and “Realizing the Dream of One Global Family.” Some of the institutional representatives already began to plan the 2021 Peace Road, this time seeking to connect neighboring countries after taking the 2020 Peace Road to all parts of Argentina.

Peace Road promotes the peaceful reunification of Korea and an International Peace Highway, which seeks to connect Korea and Japan through a tunnel, and Alaska and Siberia through a bridge across the Bering Strait. Peace Road promotes more dialogue and coexistence of cultures and religions, nations and ethnicities to eradicate historical fears and misunderstandings that have separated us; and a better cooperation and understanding between North and South and East and West through universally shared values that will ensure a greater commercial exchange and development. Peace Road encourages a greater commitment of the international community to solve local and global issues: from violence and poverty to the global refugee crisis and climate change. For this purpose, we develop activities, meetings, rallies and marches around the world (7).


1) Coverage of 2020 Peace Road Argentina:

2) Promotional video of 2020 Peace Road Korea:

3) International greetings:

4) Review and coverage of 2019 Peace Road Argentina:

Diario Crónica:

More about Peace Road in Argentina:

18/11/2020 Launch:

2019 Peace Road Argentina:

Review of the 2019 Peace Road Argentina:

“Embracing the Planet” 2019 Peace Road:

2018 Peace Road Argentina:

Review of the 2017 Peace Road Argentina:

5) Recording of the launch of 2020 Peace Road Argentina:

Promotional 2020 Peace Road Argentina:

6) Recording of the acknowledgement celebration:

Promotional acknowledgements:

7) Peace Road Website:

The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) is an international and interreligious organization, founded on September 12, 2005, which develops various local and global initiatives in more than 150 countries seeking to build a peace culture. Its activities encompass character education and family values, as well as dialogue and interreligious cooperation, promotion of volunteering and service, and developing projects that seek harmonious coexistence with the environment and a sustainable development, based on the premises of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values. UPF has general consultative status with ECOSOC at the United Nations and seeks to cooperate with it in its noble task of peace. UPF-Argentina was launched on December 11, 2005 and, since then, has developed various activities. UPF is one of the global developers of the Peace Road, along with other international, local and regional entities. Such entities invite the public and private sectors and civil society organizations to join or support the Peace Road, under the goals of peaceful coexistence and solidarity.

Promotional of the Peace Road:

2015 Peace Road documentary:

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