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UPF-Argentina Cosponsors Conference to Honor UN World Water Day

Argentina-2021-03-22-UPF-Argentina Cosponsors Conference to Honor UN World Water Day


Argentina—“Treasure the Water” was the theme of the 2021 UN World Water Day observance (1) organized in Argentina by the Juana Manuela Gorriti “Integrating Cultures” Foundation (Salta) and UPF-Argentina. The event was shared on Zoom and had more than 30 connections. We had a specialists’ panel and the launch of the 2021–2022 campaign “Let’s Plant Trees: Let’s Sow Peace.”

A specialist in environmental communication, Daniela Chaya (2) shared a PowerPoint on “Effective Communication in Water Governance,” and Director of ECO’S Recreación Ambiental Group Elizabeth Fogwill (3) gave a presentation on the theme “Water for Development,” explaining their work to provide such a vital element to communities away from urban centers.

Engineer Dante Singh, director of Production and Environment at Rosario de la Frontera Municipality, briefly talked about the urban woodland plan they are developing in this town located in Salta Province. Other speakers included Ambassadors for Peace Esteban Fauret and Amalia Daibes, directors of the literary–ecological program “Y Volverán a Ser Árboles,” the cultural-environmental work they have performed since 2010. Then, we presented the 2021–2022 campaign “Let’s Plant Trees: Let’s Sow Peace” initiative held by “Y Volverán a Ser Árboles” along with UPF-Argentina in its third edition (4).

Dr. María Cristina Elías, president of the Juana Manuela Gorriti “Integrating Cultures” Foundation (Salta), was the moderator of the meeting in support of the UN World Water Day (5). Miguel Werner, president of UPF-Argentina, shared in his welcoming words an excerpt of a message by UPF Co-Founder Dr. Hak Jan Han Moon: “The created, natural world continues to live according to the circular laws of creation. This means it should not be interrupted by human beings. The future of humanity and that of the earth cannot be guaranteed if humankind remains in the situation of having lost its original value.” (6)

The meeting also supported the International Day of Forests, celebrated every year on March 21, this year under the theme “Forest Restoration: A Path to Recovery and Well-being." It is aligned with this activity and the tree planting campaigns, which help face the climate crisis and improve biodiversity.


1) The World Water Day is celebrated every March 22 to remember the importance of this vital element. Despite the fact all social and economic activities largely depend on the supply of fresh water and its quality, millions of people live without access to drinking water. This observance seeks to raise awareness on the world water crisis and the need to achieve sustainable development.

2) Daniela Chaya: Graduate in Social Communications, specialized in Environmental Communication. Trainer of change agents. Postgraduate in Management Tools for Water Management, University of Buenos Aires, and “Workshop on Water and Sanitation in the Integral Management of Water Resources,” by the National University of Salta. She is a lecturer, trainer and organizer of events on environmental topics. Author of the book “Historias del Agua Contada por niños,” declared of educational interest by the Province of Salta’s Ministry of Education. She currently works in the area of education at the regulatory body of Salta’s Public Services.

3) Elizabeth Fogwill: Director of ECO’S Recreación Ambiental Group. Vice-president of Club de Roma Foundation. Technician in gardens, sustainable energies and ecological communities. Coordinator of “Water for Development,” providing this vital element to communities in Santiago del Estero, Chaco, Misiones and Salta. Coordinator of the campaign “Tree Week – 1 Million Trees.”

4) See basis of the Campaign “Let’s Plant Trees: Let’s sow Peace”:

5) Introductory video on the World Water Day:

6) Excerpt of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon’s keynote speech delivered at the Rally of Hope, on September 27, 2020, broadcast online from Cheongshim World Peace Center, South Korea.

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