MDG6 Combat HIV AIDS Malaria and Other Diseases
Religious Youth Service Project in Sri Lanka
Rajawaka, Sri Lanka - Young volunteers renovated a dispensary that serves disadvantaged people in the Ratnapura District of Sri Lanka Dec. 6-12, 2014.
Health for Peace Initiative Launched in Nigeria
Abuja, Nigeria - UPF-Nigeria launched a Health for Peace Initiative on Nov. 12, 2014, to help prevent further spread of Ebola and contribute to peacebuilding.
Funds Sought to Care for HIV Patients and Orphans in Lesotho
Maseru, Lesotho - Seeking to make a difference in the nation with the third-highest HIV-infection rate in the world, UPF-Lesotho is seeking funds to provide community-based care for orphans and sick adults in 20 villages that will enable them to have adequate food, gain an education, and generate income.
Day of Families Observed at HIV/AIDS workshop in Bamako
Bamako, Mali - A workshop about HIV/AIDS took place at the mayor's hall in Banankabougou on May 15.
HIV and Drug Abuse Prevention Focus of Day of Peace in Caracas
Caracas, Venezuela - The International Day of Peace was celebrated on September 21 with a walk for peace from the entrance to the Francisco de Miranda Park to the Brión de Chacaíto Plaza and concluding with a presentation about HIV/AIDS and drug abuse prevention.
HIV/AIDS Prevention Focus of Day of Families in Taipei
Taipei, Taiwan - Ambassadors for Peace came to support International Day of Families program on May 14 at the Peace Center in Taipei that featured programs of HIV/AIDS prevention and helping AIDS victims.
HIV-Prevention Training Program in Swaziland
Swazi Observer - AN HIV/AIDS youth training program for Swaziland youth has been launched. The training will be done in collaboration with the Washington AIDS International Teens (WAIT) and the Swaziland Chapter of UPF, as well as the global Next Generation Academy (NGA). The training will be conducted at selected constituencies, schools, communities, churches and other institutions through March 23. It will be run through peer-educators from various parts of the United States.
Highlights of 2010 of UPF-Angola
Luanda, Angola - The highlights of UPF-Angola's activities in 2010 included a character education program at a secondary school, a conference about AIDS, and a youth rally.
Taiwan Tennis Star to Promote AIDS/Drug Abuse Prevention Campaign
Taipei, Taiwan - Rendy Lu, a Taiwanese professional tennis player, will be the spokesperson for campaign in Taiwan against AIDS and drug abuse, in a campaign launched on World AIDS Day, Dec. 1, 2010.
Sports, Blood Drive, and AIDS Prevention on Day of Peace in Burkina Faso
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso – Several days of celebration included sports, a blood donation drive, and youth character education with an emphasis on AIDS prevention. Programs were held in four provinces of Burkina Faso: Djubo, Kaya, Nanoro and Ouagadougou.
ECOSOC Presents an X-Ray of a Suffering Humanity
Geneva, Switzerland - Two thematic debates marked the end of the 2009 UN Economic and Social Council Annual Ministerial Review in Geneva on July 9.
Healthcare Advances Reported in Jamaica, Africa, and China
Geneva, Switzerland - Jamaica's report on progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and news about telemedicine in Africa highlighted the second day of the UN Economic and Social Council Annual Ministerial Review in Geneva.
Interfaith Conference in Delhi Addresses the Prevalence of HIV/AIDS
UPF and the YMCA teamed up to hold an interfaith conference which addressed the issue of HIV/AIDS from a moral perspective at a Sept. 8, 2006 conference in New Delhi.
Seminar in New Delhi on Characer Education and HIV/AIDS Prevention
Under the chairmanship of Dr. L.M. Singhvi, the Universal Peace Federation of India held a half-day seminar under the theme, “Character Education Based HIV/AIDS Prevention.” Seventy distinguished participants from a cross section of India’s rich religious and academic heritage held lively discussions at the India International Centre on Sunday, July 2nd. At the conclusion of the event, nine new Ambassador for Peace certificates were given.