Semaine mondiale de l'harmonie Interconfesionnelle
- Saturday, October 23, 2010
L'Assemblée générale de l'ONU proclame la « Semaine mondiale de l’harmonie interconfessionnelle » la première semaine de février.
Foro en Buenos Aires: La verdad sobre las drogas: tipos, efectos y rehabilitación
- Thursday, October 21, 2010
Buenos Aires, Argentina - “La verdad sobre las drogas” fue el título de la interesante conferencia que brindó Gustavo Libardi, el 21 de octubre, en la Embajada para la Paz, en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, auspiciada por la UPF de Argentina. En su exposición habló sobre tipos de drogas y sus efectos sobre el cuerpo y la mente, razones de la caída en las adicciones y posibilidades de rehabilitación.
Презентация книги «Гражданин планеты, любящий мир»
- Wednesday, October 20, 2010
20 октября в Киеве, Украина, состоялась презентация автобиографии основателя Федерации за всеобщий мир доктора Мун Сон Мёна.
Semana Mundial de la Armonía Interconfesional
- Wednesday, October 20, 2010
La ONU reafirmó que la comprensión mutua y el diálogo entre religiones constituyen dimensiones importantes de la cultura de paz y proclamó la primera semana de febrero de cada año Semana Mundial de la Armonía Interconfesional entre todas las religiones, confesiones y creencias.
Marriage and Family
- Sunday, October 10, 2010
Marriage and Family
Much of the success and fulfillment in life depends on creating healthy relationships, yet this is one of the most challenging tasks. Through the marriage and family movement, many educational programs and approaches have been developed to give people the knowledge and skills for creating successful relationships. See UPF's Statement on Families.
UPF educational presentations:
- The Family as a School of Love and Peace: English | Español | Français | Português | Italiano
- The Benefits of Marriage
- Promoting a Marriage-Friendly Culture
- Marriage, My Spiritual Path
- Family Value and Peace
The International Day of Families, May 15, is a wonderful opportunity to organize a marriage and family seminar. For suggestions, click here.
Research on Marriage and Family:
The Institute for Family Studies: Strong Families, Sustainable Societies
Marriage and Religion Research Institute
The Washington Times: Faith and Family News
Relationship Education for Youth:
Many youth fall into bad relationships because they have little knowledge or self-awareness and poor relationship skills. The lives and future of our youth can be improved by teaching good decision-making, the nature of healthy relationships, how to avoid destructive relationships and make smart choices about sex, and preparation for lasting loving marriages.
See: UPF's character education curriculum: Building Successful Relationships
The Dibble Institute for Teaching Relationship Skills to Teens
Alive to the World: Building Character for the Next Generation
Love and Fidelity: Sexual Integrity for Young Adults
Parenting Education:
Parenting is such a critical responsibility and yet there is almost no instruction as to how to do it well. Parents and children enjoy healthier and happier relationships when parents learn more effective discipline approaches and communication skills.
See: Centered Kids Can Handle Bullies and Other Challenges
Parents Forum
Marriage and Relationship Education:
Never before has marriage been less supported by social, moral, religious, and cultural scaffolding. With changing gender roles and loosening of traditional values, couples face more challenges than ever before. Studies have shown that couples that learn realistic expectations, gender differences, problem-solving and communication skills have happier and longer lasting relationships. Conflicted couples that had lost all hope often learn how to rebuild a thriving marriage through this new information. Marriage education helps people build strong marriages, strengthen the parenting unit, and make the most important relationships truly fulfilling.
See: National Healthy Marriage Resource Center
Smart Marriages
Marriage Week International
Marriage Mentoring
The Marriage Courses: Sessions designed to help couples build a stronger marriage.
Foro en Madrid: El corazón sufriente de los niños del mundo
- Sunday, October 10, 2010
Madrid, España - Con el deseo de comprender más profundamente acerca del corazón sufriente de los niños en el mundo, invitamos a expertos en las zonas de Palestina y Cachemira para hablar en el seminario, que organizamos en nuestra Embajada de Paz en Madrid el 10 de octubre.
Cumbre Interreligiosa en Montevideo en el marco del Día Internacional de la Paz
- Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Montevideo, Uruguay - “Estos diez primeros años del Tercer Milenio, que todos queríamos fueran de paz, han estado dolorosamente marcados por guerras y violencia en las que el factor religioso ha tenido mucho que ver. Las Naciones Unidas designó el 21 de Septiembre de cada año como Día Internacional de la Paz, fecha que “se señalará a la atención de todos los pueblos para la celebración y observancia de la paz... como un día de cesación del fuego y de no violencia a nivel mundial...”
Honoring a Legacy of Peace in Vilnius, Lithuania
- Thursday, September 30, 2010
Vilnius, Lithuania - UPF-Lithuania held a Festival of Ascension and Unity on September 30 to commemorate the lives of four people who have contributed toward godly peace and unification in Lithuania, and have now passed on to the spirit world.
La Journée Internationale de la Paix en Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
- Sunday, September 26, 2010
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - La célébration de la journée internationale de la paix des Nations Unies était marquée par diverses activités de sports, de don de sang et d’éducation de caractère à l’égard de la jeunesse et la lutte contre le Sida qui se sont déroulés dans 4 provinces du Burkina Faso : Djubo, Kaya, Nanoro et Ouagadougou.
Honoring a Legacy of Peace in Tbilisi, Georgia
- Saturday, September 25, 2010
Tbilisi, Georgia - A Legacy of Peace ceremony honored well-known peacemakers who recently passed away, in the world and in Georgia.
A. Florez-Araoz: Cultura de paz
- Saturday, September 25, 2010