Video: Champions in Life
- Monday, September 14, 2009
The Peace Dream Foundation: Champions in Life video
Video: Champions in Life, Spanish Subtitles
- Monday, September 14, 2009
The Campeones en la vida video
UPF Observes 9/11 Anniversary, Enters Fifth Year
- Saturday, September 12, 2009
New York, United States - One day after the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the UPF pauses to reflect on the challenges and successes of the past four years.
El Comité Directivo convoca a la Iniciativa de Paz de Mindanao
- Friday, September 4, 2009
Mindanao, Filipinas - Debido a que más y más comunidades se vuelven vulnerables a los conflictos armados, era necesario que el Comité Directivo de la nueva Iniciativa de Paz de Mindanao y sus respectivos integrantes fueron a converger y trabajar en solidaridad en sus esfuerzos por la paz.
Concurso poético “Himno a la reconciliación”
- Sunday, August 30, 2009
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Se invita a participar del Concurso poético “Himno a la reconciliación”, a través del cual se busca un escrito de contenido universal que exprese la profundidad e importancia de este valor “en la construcción de una cultura y un mundo de paz, del establecimiento de lazos y puentes de fraternidad, de un hogar planetario y de una sola familia global a través de valores universales”.
In Memoriam: Medardas Cobotas
- Sunday, August 30, 2009
Dr. Medardas Cobotas passed from this earth on Saturday, August 30, 2009, at the age of 83 due to complications after open-heart surgery performed earlier in the month.
- Monday, August 24, 2009
Universal Peace Federation: Principles
- We are one human family created by God. The way to rise above the pursuit of self-interest is to recognize our common humanity, given to us by our Creator. Just as a parent can intercede in the disputes of children, the parental heart originating from the Creator can help us resolve the differences that exist between nations, cultures and religions.
- The highest qualities of the human being are spiritual and moral in nature. Human beings long for truth, beauty and goodness. Life’s deepest meaning and purpose can be found through their pursuit. Each person has an eternal spirit that transcends physical life. Spiritual principles are to be practiced in this life so that we are prepared for the eternal world.
- The family is the “school of love and peace.” In the family, the most basic personal and public virtues are learned. Understanding the family as the school of love helps us to recognize that family is the most essential institution. The foundation for a healthy family is a faithful, committed marriage.
- Living for the sake of others is the way to reconcile the divided human family. By practicing living for the sake of others, we become other-centered rather than self-centered. The essence of good character is true love expressed through unselfish actions.
- Peace comes through cooperation beyond the boundaries of ethnicity, religion and nationality. Lasting peace cannot be achieved through political compromise alone, but requires addressing the root causes of conflict. Transcending racial, religious and ethnic barriers is an imperative of our time. Faith can give people the power to forgive, and the love to overcome even generations of hatred, resentment and violence.
UPF Perú nombra nuevo presidente y consejo
- Monday, August 24, 2009
El nombramiento de un nuevo presidente y junta directiva de la UPF Perú resultó ser una reunion estimulante que atrajo a más de 50 Embajadores para la Paz a reunirse en la Embajada de la Paz en Miraflores, Lima, Perú a principios de agosto de 2009.
Rusia presenta un Diálogo de la Juventud Internacional
- Sunday, August 23, 2009
Kaluga, Rusia - Se celebró un Campamento para el Diálogo de la Juventud entre el 20 y el 23 de agosto en Kaluga, al sudoeste de la ciudad de Moscú. Doscientos cincuenta jóvenes de organizaciones juveniles no-comerciales participaron en el proyecto, entre ellos representantes de Rusia, la Comunidad de Estados Independientes, los Estados Bálticos, Europa Occidental, y estudiantes extranjeros que asisten a universidades de Rusia.
Cena solidaria en Buenos Aires a beneficio de God Boys
- Friday, August 21, 2009
Buenos Aires, Argentina - El 21 de agosto se realizó en Buenos Aires la Cena solidaria a beneficio del equipo de fútbol infantil y juvenil de God Boys, en un agradable momento en el que los presentes pudieron conocer este proyecto deportivo-social-educativo a través de algunos de los integrantes, videos y el testimonio de la familia de la Pastora Gladys Gómez, alma matter de este emprendimiento que busca brindar posibilidades a chicos en condición de alta vulnerabilidad social.
On the Reception of the Month of Ramadan
- Friday, August 21, 2009
The Sermon Given by the Prophet on the Reception of the Month of Ramadan.
Ramadan Greetings!
- Friday, August 21, 2009
New York, United States - The UPF and all Ambassadors for Peace join together to wish a joyous Ramadan to all those observing the holy month. Peace be upon your family and all around you! And may the entire world come closer to the peace, prosperity, happiness and harmony that comes from God.