UPF Today is a magazine of the Universal Peace Federation featuring activities of our international office and chapters throughout the world. The magazine is published in English and Russian, with occasional editions in other languages, including French, Spanish and Arabic.
This archive contains .pdf files and links to the corresponding articles on our website (which are often more extensive than in the magazine). Chapters are encouraged to reprint and/or translate such portions of the magazine that they might find useful.
We are always looking for interesting reports of UPF activities. See suggestions for preparing reports, photos and videos.
Current issue: |
UPF Today: Vol. 12 No. 1 - 2018Featuring: Africa Summit 2018 in Senegal PDF Download (61.89 MB) p. 3 First Africa Summit Convenes in Senegal, Africa Summit Launches Three Peace Initiatives p. 12 World Summit 2017 Articles: Opening Banquet, Honoring the UPF Founder, Concludes with IAPP and ICUS p. 16 Sunhak Peace Prize Awarded at World Summit p. 18 2017 Interreligious Leadership Conference p. 22 IAPP Launched in Canada p. 23 IAPP Launched in Colombia p. 24 IAPP Launched in Australia p. 26 Africa Day 2017 Celebrated in New York City p. 27 Women Rising with Spirituality and Ethics at the UN p. 28 UPF Promotes Family Capital at SDG Discussion p. 29 Middle East Ambassadors for Peace Gather in Rome for Peace Principles Seminar p. 31 UPF Holds Parliamentarian Day in DR Congo |
UPF Today is a magazine of the Universal Peace Federation featuring activities of our international office and chapters throughout the world. The magazine is published in English and Russian, with occasional editions in other languages, including French, Spanish and Arabic.
This archive contains .pdf files and links to the corresponding articles on our website (which are often more extensive than in the magazine). Chapters are encouraged to reprint and/or translate such portions of the magazine that they might find useful.
We are always looking for interesting reports of UPF activities. See suggestions for preparing reports, photos and videos.
UPF Today is a magazine of the Universal Peace Federation featuring activities of our international office and chapters throughout the world. The magazine is published in English and Russian, with occasional editions in other languages, including French, Spanish and Arabic.
This archive contains .pdf files and links to the corresponding articles on our website (which are often more extensive than in the magazine). Chapters are encouraged to reprint and/or translate such portions of the magazine that they might find useful.
We are always looking for interesting reports of UPF activities. See suggestions for preparing reports, photos and videos.
Current issue: |
UPF Today: Vol. 14 No. 1 - 2020Featuring: World Summits Series of 2019 Press PDF Download (140.64 MB) Links to the more detailed reports on which the magazine articles were based: |
Primary Associations

International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP)
The International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP) was initiated by UPF co-founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon on February 8, 2019 on the occasion of World Summit 2019 in Seoul, Korea. ISCP is an international network of current and former heads of state and government, who, through dialogue and collaboration, explore solutions and offer recommendations to address the world’s critical problems, including climate change and environmental issues, religious conflicts, poverty, war, corruption and family breakdown.
Visit our page on the International Summit Council for Peace
International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP)
Launched: February 15, 2016, at the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
The “International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace” has been launched as a worldwide association of parliamentarians which provides a forum to bring their experience and wisdom to bear in the search for solutions to our world’s problems. Parliamentarians from around the world have offered their remarks on the importance of their work and the value of increased cooperation and collaboration in the search for innovative solutions to some of the critical issues that we face on the local, national, regional and global levels, from climate change to the rise of extremist ideologies to humanitarian disasters and conflict.
Visit our page on the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace
Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD)
Launched: November 10-14, 2017 at the Lotte Hotel World Seoul, South Korea
UPF maintains that any successful strategy for peace must take into account the spiritual dimension of our human identity, experience and interactions. Based on this worldview, UPF initiated the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development as a partner organization to the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace. Through interreligious dialogue and exchange of viewpoints among the world’s religions and faith-based organizations, terrorism, violent extremism and the world’s ills can be proactively addressed.
Visit our page on the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development
International Media Association for Peace (IMAP)
Launched: February 5, 2020 at the KINTEX Center, Seoul, South Korea
IMAP recognizes the vital role that journalists play in guarding against totalitarianism and supporting the expansion of freedom. IMAP represents a worldwide professional network of journalists who support a socially responsible and moral media to convey accurate content, address the challenges of our time based on the highest principles of ethical journalism, and understanding that universal values are key elements of a world of peace.
Visit our page on the International Media Association for Peace
International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAAP)
Launched: February 5, 2020 at the KINTEX Center, Seoul, South Korea
IAAP a global interdisciplinary academic initiative aimed at contributing toward the realization of a world of lasting peace. IAAP affirms the belief that academicians, scholars and educators have played and continue to contribute in the intellectual, moral and spiritual development of humanity, and provide an essential role in the building of a good society. IAAP is dedicated to building professional networks for academicians to foster a world of peace based on the ideals of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values.
Visit our page on the International Association of Academicians for Peace
International Association for Peace and Economic Development (IAED)
Launched: February 5, 2020 at the KINTEX Center, Seoul, South Korea
IAED affirms the role of businesses, business leaders, and investors to make the world a better place, addressing its most significant challenges, and promoting world peace, long-term mutual prosperity and truly sustainable development. IAED encourages business leadership around the world to contribute to making our nations safer, more secure, more affluent places to live, reducing poverty and creating opportunities for more people to live purposeful and meaningful lives.
Visit our page on the International Association for Peace and Economic Development
The International Association of Arts and Culture for Peace (IAACP)
The International Association of Arts and Culture for Peace (IAACP) is a global network of leaders in fields related to the arts and culture, including performing arts, literary arts, fine arts, music, film and dance. Artists are known for their creativity, visionary ideas and capacities to inspire others. Artists bring people together and lead our hearts and minds to reflect on the possibilities for a better world. By bringing together leaders from the arts, IAACP taps into a wellspring of talent that can be utilized in building a world of peace, drawing attention not only to the critical challenges that we face as one human family, but also the opportunities for transformation.
Visit our page on the International Association of Arts and Culture for Peace
Buenos Aires, Argentina—“Honrar la Vida” es el título de la declaración emitida por UPF-Argentina en adhesión al Día Mundial de las Madres y los Padres 2017, una fecha establecida por la ONU en el 2012 para “reconocer” su labor “y honrar su trabajo en todo el mundo”.
Puerto Yeruá, Argentina—Como gesto de compromiso colectivo de solidaridad y paz un grupo de intendentes y religiosos plantaron un olivo en Puerto Yeruá (Departamento Concordia – Entre Ríos), el 30 de abril, promovido por la Red Cooperar y UPF-Argentina junto a la Intendencia local y el Consorcio Intermunicipal Concordia.
Buenos Aires, Argentina—“Manejo del estrés y resolución de conflictos a través del conocimiento de tus inteligencias”, fue el título de una amena charla que brindó el escritor y conferencista Mario Gluzman, Embajador para la Paz.
Buenos Aires, Argentina—El Consejo de Paz de UPF-Argentina agasajó al poeta Donato Perrone, integrante del mismo desde sus inicios, quien se mudará próximamente con su familia a la provincia de Mendoza.
Buenos Aires, Argentina—El coro interreligioso e intercultural de UPF-Argentina tuvo el honor de cerrar el II Congreso Internacional de la Red Latinoamericana de Profesionales de la Orientación (Relapro) “Enfoques, Modelos y Estrategias de la Orientación en Latinoamérica”.
Buenos Aires, Argentina—Cuatro parlamentarios argentinos compartieron su informe de la Cumbre Mundial 2017 UPF “Paz, seguridad y desarrollo humano” desarrollada en febrero en Corea, donde tuvo lugar la primera asamblea global de la Asociación Internacional de Parlamentarios para la Paz (IAPP).
Buenos Aires, Argentina—UPF y WFWP Argentina celebraron el Día Internacional de la Mujer reconociendo a referentes de distintas áreas por sus valores, el 16 de marzo, en el salón Alhambra del Club Español (Buenos Aires).
Buenos Aires, Argentina—Un variado repertorio musical fue el marco de celebración del cumpleaños de los Fundadores de la UPF, como es tradición cada año en la comunidad unificacionista para la fecha.