Seiichi KikuyaSeiyaku Building 5F
5-13-2 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo, Japan—World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021 was commemorated in Japan at the 113th Inter-Religious Forum, hosted virtually by UPF and the IAPD.
Istanbul, Turkey—A UPF program recognized Turkey’s contributions to the Korean War.
Tokyo, Japan—A webinar commemorating the first anniversary of the World Christian Leadership Conference (WCLC), organized by UPF-Japan, was attended by 260 participants.
Tokyo, Japan—UPF-Japan held a three-day virtual International Leadership Conference (ILC) on the theme “Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula.”
Nagoya, Japan—The inaugural Japan Summit and Leadership Conference drew 750 participants from around the world to discuss “Peace in East Asia and Prospects for Japan-Korea-U.S. Cooperation.”
Kanagawa, Japan—To commemorate the International Day of Peace 2019, UPF-Japan, in partnership with the Youth and Students for Peace, co-organized a beach cleanup in Kanagawa prefecture.
Tokyo, Japan—The 36th Peace Diplomats Forum, hosted by UPF-Japan, brought together ambassadors from 34 embassies in Japan at the United Nations University.
Tokyo, Japan—To commemorate the International Day of Families 2019, UPF-Japan, in partnership with a local NGO, organized a clean-up project in Tokyo.
Tokyo, Japan—The 35th Peace Diplomats Forum, hosted by UPF-Japan, discussed a new visa system to boost foreign workers in the country.
Tokyo, Japan—In observance of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019, UPF-Japan and its Council of Religious Ambassadors for Peace held an interreligious forum in Tokyo.
Kanagawa, Japan—UPF-Japan co-organized a beach cleanup in Kanagawa prefecture in observance of the UN International Day of Peace.
Tokyo, Japan—The 33rd Peace Diplomats Forum discussed the role of Japan in the transformation of armed conflict.
Tokyo, Japan—Every year families work together to clean up the streets in honor of International Day of Families.
Tokyo, Japan—UN Security Council reform was the focus of the 32nd Peace Diplomats Forum, which took place at the United Nations University in Tokyo.
Tokyo, Japan—UPF-Japan commemorated UN World Interfaith Harmony Week 2018 by holding a forum with approximately 80 Ambassadors for Peace and representatives of Shintoism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
Tokyo, Japan—On the occasion of the 2017 UN International Day of Peace, UPF-Japan, together with the Council of Religious Ambassadors for Peace, organized the project, Prayer for World Peace with Paper Cranes, in Tokyo.
Kanagawa, Japan—To commemorate the International Day of Peace, UPF-Japan, in partnership with the Youth and Students for Peace, organized a cleanup at a beach in Kanagawa prefecture.
Tokyo, Japan—To commemorate U.N. World Interfaith Harmony Week 2017, UPF-Japan’s Council of Religious Ambassadors for Peace held an interreligious forum.
Tokyo, Japan—An International Leadership Conference launching the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) in Japan was held on November 11 and November 16 to 17.
Tokyo, Japan—UPF-Japan held its 28th Peace Diplomats Forum on “Refugees, Terrorism, and Nationalism in Europe and the Future Prospects.”