C. Gerlicz: Great Projects as Potential Peace Engines

March 19, 2009

Humanity has always sought to gather around great projects to decrease social tensions or transcend political, ethnic, or religious boundaries. This has been particularly true since second half of the twentieth century.


Interreligious Celebration of Eid ul-Fitr in Southern France

September 25, 2008

Nice, France - Imam Othmane Aissaoui invited Jewish and Christian representatives to a special dinner at the mosque in Nice, France, to celebrate the end of the Ramadan fast on Sept. 24, 2008.


Journée Internationale de la Paix en Lyon

September 21, 2008

Lyon, France UN: IDP '08 - L'équipe lyonnaise des Ambassadeurs de Paix a célébrée la Journée Internationale de la Paix.


Day of Peace in France

September 21, 2008

Lyon & Vannes, France - Interreligious harmony, family values, and cultural traditions were celebrated.


Briefing in Paris on Human Security and Africa

September 5, 2008

“Insecurity has three synonyms," said Mr. Laurent Ladouce in an overview on human security. "The first is a danger threatening one’s existence, the other is uncertainty about one’s identity, and the third is precariousness, limitations to what one can have or do. Most African countries exemplfy the three forms of insecurity. The UPF agrees with the general agenda of human security, i.e., freedom from want and freedom from fear.


Neighborhood Craft Day in Les Ulis, France

August 26, 2008

Les Ulis, France - As the summer holidays were coming to an end, girls in Les Ulis were invited for an afternoon of crafts on Aug. 26, 2008.


Following the Footsteps of Gandhi and King

June 14, 2008

“We hear about Martin Luther King, Jr., at school, but here it is more real and closer to me," says a high-school girl from Vannes, France, looking at the posters about the life of the non-violent pastor.


Ambassadors for Peace at Work

January 26, 2008

Around 25 Ambassadors for Peace attended a brainstorming session organized by UPF-France on January 26, 2008 in Paris. The main purpose was to launch working committees to prepare for the Global Peace Festival to be held in Paris in September.


Promoting Universal Values in Paris

September 6, 2007

To honor the Millennium Development Goals, UPF-France organized a dinner at the restaurant of UNESCO, hosted by one delegation. To celebrate the universal values common to our religions, it organized an interreligious colloquium at the Great Mosque of Paris. To celebrate family values and "One Family under God" it organized an event in a major hotel in Paris.


Ambassadors for Peace Assemble in Paris

March 31, 2007

Paris, France - The FIAP Auditorium in Paris hosted around 200 participants in the French Assembly of Ambassadors for Peace on March 31, 2007. The topic was "Forming Alliances at the time of Global Crises." The purpose of the meeting was to inform guests about UPF activities


Peace Tour Builds UPF in France

September 9, 2006

France -The UPF peace message was delivered in the Georg V Auditorium right beside the most famous sights of the city — the Arc de Triomphe, Champs-Élysées, and Tour d’Eiffel. The second and third generations in the family of UPF Founders Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon delivered the peace tour speeches in 11 cities of France.