Armando LozanoRonda de Segovia 50
34 91 3661041
Madrid, Spain—The interfaith event was dedicated to the current situations in Ukraine and Iran.
Lisbon, Portugal—The diplomat was introduced to UPF and its Ambassador for Peace program.
Zaragoza, Spain—"Peace, Nature and Spirituality” was the theme of an interfaith program held by UPF.
Barcelona, Spain—Supporters of two organizations affiliated with UPF hiked to the top of a hill overlooking Barcelona.
Madrid, Spain—How religions face the global ecological crisis was the main question.
Zaragoza, Spain—Christian and Buddhist speakers offered their definitions of a spiritual life.
Madrid, Spain—After many months, UPF-Spain organized not one “Peace Road” event—but three.
Madrid, Spain—The latest interfaith program of UPF-Spain featured the national president of the Buddhist Interbeing Order.
Madrid, Spain—Three experts on the Korean Peninsula were the speakers at an online discussion on the reunification of the Koreas.
Marbella, Spain—One hundred representatives of different faiths attended the “Meeting for Peace and Dialogue: Strengthening Ties among Different Paths.”
Madrid, Spain—UPF-Spain held an interfaith gathering to ask for God’s blessings on the new year.
Barcelona, Spain—UPF-Spain’s 2018 Peace Road event was a climb to the beautiful Valley of Nuria, 2,000 meters above sea level.
Madrid, Spain—UPF invited longtime acquaintances from different faiths to eat, socialize and pray together.
Madrid, Spain—Imam Seyed Ali Talqani told a UPF-sponsored gathering, “We need an Islam that serves the people.”
Toledo, Spain—A Peace Road event in the historic city of Toledo included visits to holy sites of Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
Madrid, Spain—On Saturday, April 1st, UPF and WFWP-Spain co-hosted the 5th and last session of the Cycle of Conferences: The Cornerstones for Peace.
UPF-Europe has sent five shipments (three by sea and two by air) of medical supplies for a North Korean children's hospital donated by Germany, Spain, and Norway. The project in support of UPF's North East Asia Peace Initiative was facilitated by the North Korean Red Cross.
Madrid, Spain - A meal, lectures, awards, dances, and refreshments marked the International Day of Peace observance at the Peace Embassy in Madrid on September 16.
Madrid, Espana - Se celebró el Día Internacional de la Familia el 20 de mayo en Madrid con el lema: "Corea como Nación Modelo de Tradiciones Familiares y Cultura."