
Click here to learn more about the Think Tank 2022 and UPF's effort in the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

Think Tank 2022


October 2024
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Dupuis stresses the need for interreligious dialogue which is different from a falsely tolerant pluralism, and that God is the only One who is truly absolute, the divine self-revelation whose fullness of revelation will appear only at the end. Dupuis also stresses that we must have a deep respect for all “the treasures of human wisdom and religion” and a special interest in Indian religious and philosophical tradition.

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As preparations are made for celebrating another UN Week of Interfaith Harmony, it is to be hoped that religious leaders will rise to the challenge of moving beyond friendly but symbolic gestures to an open examination of the deep-seated changes that must be made if religions are to embrace their joint responsibility as champions of peace.

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The founding elements of the inner structure of Islamic social organization as prescribed by the Qur’an and Sunnah can be broadly categorized as freedom, equality, and solidarity of mankind. These elements in turn constitute the conceptual infrastructure for social justice in all spheres of human life.

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Under the Islamic-style entrepreneurship, output maximization, profit maximization, employee benefits, etc., are all subject to considerations of community wellbeing. Profits for the equity holders and benefits for employees are residual matters. Therefore, this may be a suitable and useful model for third-sector economics that promote development with social justice in developing countries.

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When I reflect upon the meaning of revelation within Christianity and my own life, I find that I can best understand it in terms of how it orients one towards the whole of reality. It is through the Christian traditions that the self-disclosing God has been mediated to me, and it is here that I have come to believe in God and that all flows from God and to God. This orienting dimension strikes me as primary. It is prior to any attempt to say what the content of that revelation is. It is a way into the deepest mysteries of things both human and divine. It is a way of situating the whole self towards both time and eternity. It is the ground-tone of a whole life. It is the source of meaning and direction that resonates with the deepest order of things. It is sweet consent to being itself.

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The advocates of all the religions of the world emphasize the importance of certain virtues and moral values. Only these can foster unity and cohesion of mankind. But the moral and religious values cannot be invoked by force. This can be achieved through the exchange of words and dialogues.

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Vol. 24, No. 2, Winter 2011 issue of Dialogue & Alliance focused on the theme of Religious Ideals and the Good Society.

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The world remains transfixed by the popular and courageous Arab uprisings upsetting decades-long dictatorships, which had rather portrayed themselves as invincible dynasties.

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This paper updates the Preliminary Report, submitted by the author earlier within the Project framework[1], and provides more information and argumentation related to the Project background and recent developments on the Russian sides, and also gives proposals on the Project sustainable development in the future.

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This paper investigates potential avenues of encouraging the United States and Canada (federal and local governments as well as their business and NGO communities) to consider building in stages a Bering Strait tunnel, connecting Alaska and Russia.

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UPF is pleased to announce that copies of World Scripture and the Teachings of Sun Myung Moon, which sold out and had been out of print, are available for purchase by individuals and institutions on a first come, first served basis.

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“I dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself.” Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a quote of an African hero Nelson Mandela. Then how Africa can attain such peace with itself? We need responsible leadership and good governance to accomplish it.

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