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Empowerment of Women

Dialogue Between African and Spanish Women

Spain-2008-05-31-Dialogue Between African and Spanish Women

On May 31, the Women's Federation for World Peace in Spain celebrated an event promoting Dialogue and Friendship between African and Spanish Women. Around 200 people attended the program.

The morning started with welcoming words by Marcia de Abreu President of WFWP-Spain and then opening remarks by Jeanne Moulot, Ambassador to Cote d'Ivoire. Immediately after there were two round table discussions:

1. Education as a creative element of opportunities, changes and peace. The speakers were:
Percival Manglano, Director for Cooperation and Development, within the Immigration Office in the Regional Government of Madrid
Hortense Djomeda, Director of OKA Consulting (Togo)
Silvia Escobar, Ambassador in Special Mission of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2. Women participation in decision making and conflict resolution. The speakers were:
Mercedez Alcañiz Moscardó, PHD in Sopciology and Political Sciences, Professor of Sociology at University Jaume I, Valencia
Grace Obado, Professor of International Relations at Schiller International University in Madrid (Kenia)

A time for questions and answers followed the two round tables, giving an opportunity for people to exchange ideas and enrich their points of view.

As the afternoon session was going to take place immediately after lunch, we organized to have it in our premises: women from both sides the Mediterranean Sea prepared typical food. It was an opportunity to taste Spanish food as well as those from Senegal, Cameroon, Mali, Ghana, Mauritania and others.

The afternoon sessio featured a sisterhood ceremony with the Bridge of Peace. Opening words were given by Nadine Tchamlesso, Business Attaché at the Embassy of Congo. Nadine made a beautiful presentation about the meaning of the Bridge of Peace. Then, with the background music of the "Hymn of Joy," the women started to cross the bridge, the Africans from one side and the others from the other side of the bridge. As usual, it touched the hearts of people and we could see some tears rolling down different faces.

After the bridge of peace we presented Ambassador for Peace certificates to the speakers, moderators and diplomats in the audience. Among them were: the Ambassadors to South Africa, Cote d'Ivoire, Sudan, Equatorial Guinea; wives of Ambassadors to Mauritania and Kenya; and the 1st Secretaries at the Embassies of Mauritania and Ghana.

Finally the Ambassador to South Africa in Madrid deliver the closing remarks.

To close this beautiful journey of friendship with the African community we had an African musical group playing and dancing, and it became impossible not to stand, push the chairs aside, and move to the rhythm of African drums.

We hope this will be the beginning of a lasting relationship with our brothers and sisters from Africa.

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