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Empowerment of Women

UPF supports UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which calls for increasing involvement of women in preventing and resolving conflicts, peace negotiations, peacebuilding, and post-conflict reconstruction. Furthermore, the majority of the poor people of the world are women and children, and global poverty cannot be solved without the empowerment of women and the leadership of women. Scroll down for reports.

Goal: Help women cultivate and contribute their unique resources in promoting peace in their families, communities, nations, and world
Methods: Forums, educational and cultural programs, and community outreach

Congo-Brazzaville—WFWP and IAYSP held a second Forum, “Generation Responsibility,” centered on the digital world.

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UPF International—The CSW 67 was held at the United Nations in New York with the theme of innovation for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.

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London, United Kingdom—The UPF event commemorated the UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls.

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Europe, Africa and South America—On March 13, 2021, nearly 220 participants from over eight countries on three continents participated in a joint event with many opportunities for personal, social and political development.

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The Universal Peace Federation upholds the essential value and central role of women in peacebuilding and human development.

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New York, United States—During the 62nd session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, UPF co-sponsored a program on empowering rural girls and women.

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Linz, Austria—On the occasion of the 300th birthday of Maria Theresa, a lecture explored how the Austrian empress strove to bring career and family together.

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New York, United States—As a side-event to a major U.N. event, UPF co-sponsored a program that tied together women’s empowerment and the strength of the family.

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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia—UPF-Ethiopia leaders and four Ambassadors for Peace took part in a conference on women’s role in Africa’s sustainable development.

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Monza, Italy — A conference designed to increase awareness of the role of women in our society was held in the northern Italian city of Monza on March 28, 2015.

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US Ebola 2014 12 17

New York, United States - To fight the spread of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa, compassionate and energetic African women organized a fund-raiser on Dec. 17, 2014.

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Imaelone, Vanuatu - Sewing machines donated by Ingleburn High School in Sydney were transported to Vanuatu, and women were taught to use them.

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Donate to UPF's Africa Projects: Your donation will be used for projects in Africa.