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World Peace Blessing

Building a culture of peace is the most effective way to prevent conflict, violence, and poverty, and a family culture of heart is the wellspring of a culture of peace. UPF promotes this through World Peace Blessings. Scroll down for reports.

Goal: Promote healthy marriage and family relationships grounded in true and selfless love, mutual respect, interdependence and “living for the sake of others.”
Method: In World Peace Blessing ceremonies, newlyweds and couples renewing their vows make a sacred promise as husband and wife to love each other faithfully, live together in peace, and raise up their children and grandchildren to uphold purity and fidelity. A special contribution to world peace is made by couples who bridge the divides of race and religion.

Victoria, Seychelles—A delegation from UPF-Seychelles participated in the African Summit and Interfaith Family Blessing Festival on December 07, 2019, in Johannesburg, South Africa.

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Fairfax, United States—A Celebration of the Family World Peace Festival brought together a broad spectrum of family proponents.

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Daudu, Nigeria—UPF-Nigeria sponsored a Marriage and Family Peace Blessing Festival that attracted 1,337 couples representing different denominations and ethnic backgrounds.

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Benue State, Nigeria—UPF-Nigeria sponsored series of Family Peace Blessing Festivals to commemorate 58th anniversary of Nigeria’s independence.

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Birmingham, United Kingdom—Sixty couples from many different backgrounds took part in a World Peace Blessing held by UPF and an affiliated organization.

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Stockholm, Sweden—Members of the Swedish-Thai community took part in a UPF Family Celebration and a World Peace Awards ceremony.

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Stuttgart, Germany—About 110 members of the MIHR Foundation, a Muslim group, attended a UPF event that included a World Peace Blessing.

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Bangkok, Thailand—Thirty-four participants from 10 nations participated in an Asian Leadership Conference (ALC) that took place in Bangkok.

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Diakuma, Nigeria—More than 120 couples participated in a Marriage and Family Peace Blessing Festival co-organized by UPF in Imo State in southeast Nigeria.

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Biel/Bienne, Switzerland—Twenty couples, representing different faiths and cultural backgrounds, took part in an International Peace Blessing ceremony.

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Durrës, Albania—Approximately 200 people attended a “Family Festival and Cosmic Blessing Ceremony” in the Albanian port city of Durrës.

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Abuja, Nigeria—A one-day workshop for 36 Nigerian married couples has been held in preparation for a Family Peace Blessing in the community.

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