Kathmandu, Nepal — Approximately 70,000 citizens of Nepal gathered to affirm marriage and family on February 21, 2015, as they filled the National Stadium to pledge to uphold premarital purity and marital fidelity.
When the stadium reached capacity and police closed the gates, a number of people broke down a gate, demanding to be allowed to enter. Even so, as many as 15,000 people were turned away.
At the Multicultural Family Educational Peace Festival that was organized by UPF-Nepal, unmarried teenagers and young adults took a Pure Love Pledge in front of their peers and parents, promising to remain pure. Married couples reaffirmed their marriage vows of love and fidelity in front of their children, friends and neighbors, and the nation.
Religious leaders from six faiths offered their prayers and blessings. The two-hour program was broadcast live on 10 television stations in Nepal and internationally via satellite.
Nepal’s Vice President H.E. Parmanand Jha, the chief guest, told his compatriots, “Without first creating true love and peace at home, we cannot dream of building a peaceful and loving nation.” Concluding his remarks he added, “This is the way to build a nation of peace.”
Dr. Sun Jin Moon, daughter of the late Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the founders of UPF, was especially invited by the Government of Nepal. She spoke about the universal nature of the Interfaith Peace Blessing, saying, “Our hope is that, beginning with this Blessing, each couple and family will cultivate a higher awareness of our Creator’s deepest heart and purpose.”
She continued by saying, “No matter what our religious background may be, our divine nature and our hopes for love, joy and peace are universal.”
Minister of Education Hon. Chitra Lekha Yadav said: “We need value education in the schools. This means moral education.” She said she endorsed Dr. and Mrs. Moon’s teachings that promote family values, and she encouraged schools and colleges throughout Nepal to welcome this peace movement.
The chair of the festival’s organizing committee, Hon. Ek Nath Dhakal, who is also a member of the Nepalese Constituent Assembly, said that this Family Festival is an example of the Nepalese people’s love for traditional family values. He emphasized that this educational initiative will surely strengthen the moral character of families and help build an ethical and prosperous nation.
Representing partner organizations, Mr. Santosh Paudel, president of the Family Federation for World Peace-Nepal; Mr. Karna Bahadur Shahi of the National Private & Boarding Schools' Association Nepal; and Mr. Lacche Bahadur KC of the Private and Boarding Schools' Organization, Nepal expressed their gratitude to all the participants and gave their commitment to continue such education nationwide.