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Middle East Peace Programs

The Middle East Peace Initiative has been promoting peace since 2003 through dialogue, people-to-people diplomacy, fact-finding trips, interfaith pilgrimages and conferences. It brings religious leaders, parliamentarians, academicians, women leaders, youth and civil society representatives together in Israel, Palestinian Territories and Jordan. Forums explore Track II approaches to the crisis in Syria. Read UPF's Statement about Middle East Peace

UPF's Jerusalem Office for Interfaith and Cooperation among Religions and Office for Peace and Security Affairs convene forums of academics, political and religious leaders, and peace advocates. UPF-Israel organizes culture of peace tours and leadership seminars for international youth. For information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Amman, Jordan - A UPF gathering in Amman, Jordan, Oct. 11-13, 2013, assembled 40 participants to consider the theme: "The Prospects for Dialogue and Reconciliation in Syria: The Role of Religion in International Relations."

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London, UK - David Fraser-Harris, UPF-Middle East Secretary General, described some of UPF's activities in the region during a rare visit to London Oct. 1, 2013.

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Amman, Jordan - A program on "Intercultural Dialogue in Cooperation for Peace" in Amman on May 20, 2013, included a report about UPF's "Jerusalem Declaration" for interfaith cooperation.

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Jerusalem, Israel - The Middle East Peace Initiative pilgrims walked arm in arm on May 18, 2013, through the streets of the Old City of Jerusalem chanting, “Peace, Shalom, Salaam Alaikum. Let’s Bring Peace to the Middle East!”

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Jerusalem, Israel - Israeli rabbis, civic leaders, and leaders of the Christian, Jewish, and Druze communities gave high praise to the Middle East Peace Initiative (MEPI) efforts at a banquet in Jerusalem on May 17, 2013.

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Jerusalem, Israel - Faith leaders from diverse traditions descended on the Holy City of Jerusalem on May 14, 2013 as part of the Middle East Peace Initiative and to honor the tenth anniversary of the “Jerusalem Declaration” for peace.

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Jerusalem, Israel - As civilian casualties mount in Syria, Israel’s northeastern neighbor, and concerns over militant groups operating in the Sinai trouble governments both in Cairo and Jerusalem, UPF’s Middle East Peace Initiative (MEPI) took another step forward with the August 26-28 interfaith seminar on the topic “Religion and Peace in the Middle East: the Significance of Interfaith Cooperation.”

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Jerusalem, Israel - The National Peace Council of Israel is researching the feasibility of a joint venture fishery business between Israel and Palestine at the Gaza/Israel sea border.

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Jerusalem, Israel - UPF-Israel recently hosted the latest in the series of more than 40 Middle East Peace Initiative trips that began back in 2003, bringing together religious and community leaders from throughout the Holy Land and as far away as Europe, the United States, and Korea.

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Jerusalem, Israel - An International Interfaith Consultation on “Interfaith, the United Nations and Peace in the 21st Century” is taking place in Israel August 20-24. Faith leaders, political leaders and parliamentarians, and civic leaders will consider how to advance the proposal for an interreligious council at the UN.

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Jerusalem, Israel - In the tense climate between Israel and Turkey after the May 31 attack on the Gaza-bound flotilla that left nine Turks dead, two young politicians are seeking to bypass political bickering and promote moderate voices in the two countries.

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The ongoing conflict in the Middle East has shaken the global agenda. Unfortunately, it looks like both the Palestinians and the Israelis are keeping the "peace process" for the sake of the process instead of having real and tangible peace negotiations. Let us pray that wisdom and the spirit of peace may ultimately guide the Israeli and Palestinian leadership.

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