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Middle East Peace Programs

The Middle East Peace Initiative has been promoting peace since 2003 through dialogue, people-to-people diplomacy, fact-finding trips, interfaith pilgrimages and conferences. It brings religious leaders, parliamentarians, academicians, women leaders, youth and civil society representatives together in Israel, Palestinian Territories and Jordan. Forums explore Track II approaches to the crisis in Syria. Read UPF's Statement about Middle East Peace

UPF's Jerusalem Office for Interfaith and Cooperation among Religions and Office for Peace and Security Affairs convene forums of academics, political and religious leaders, and peace advocates. UPF-Israel organizes culture of peace tours and leadership seminars for international youth. For information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Bergen aan Zee, Netherlands - During a European Leadership Conference in Glory House, North Holland, April 9 to 11, four UPF-Netherlands Ambassadors for Peace considered the prospects for peace in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

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Ceremonies for reconciliation often occur during UPF's interreligious and intercultural peacebuilding initiatives. These include crossing a bridge of peace, mixing waters of peace, and breaking arrows of war.

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The relationship between the US and the Muslim world had been marked by ongoing mistrust, discord, and suspicion for several decades. This was due to the fact that after the tragic event of 9 / 11, the “War on Terror” targeted the Muslim countries of Afghanistan and Iraq, causing discord between the Muslims and the United States.

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Statement by UPF on Dec. 31, 2008, in response to the loss of life in the crisis in the Gaza strip, calling for an end to the cycle of violence in Israel and the Gaza strip.

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People from all over the world from different religious and ethnic backgrounds refer to Jerusalem as the birthplace or at least a place of importance for their particular religious beliefs and practices.

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The morning of Dec. 18, 2008 began with a tour of Old Jerusalem by participants in the International Young Leaders program of the Middle East Peace Initiative.

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Report on follow-up meetings with young Israelis and Palestinians who spent ten days together in Italy and San Marino during the summer of 2008 in a trip organized by UPF-Israel and UPF-Italy.

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Israeli and Palestinian youth spent ten days in Italy and San Marino in early September seeking to develop new aspects of leadership. The trip offered many unique opportunities for interaction among the Israelis and the Palestinians, as well as Italians interested in cross-cultural understanding.

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From June 22 to July 1, 2008, international participants took part in an International Youth Leadership project in Israel and Palestine, joined at various times by local participants.

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 MEPI: Visiting Religious and Historic Sites

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 MEPI: Reconciling the Family of Abraham

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 MEPI: Connecting with Youth

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