- Written by: Dr. Antonio Betancourt, Director, UPF Office of Government Relations
- Written by: Dr. J’Lein Gabrielle Liese, President Foundation for Global Leadershi
- Written by: H.E. Ham Lini, Prime Minister, Republic of Vanuatu
H.E. Ham Lini, Prime Minister, Republic of Vanuatu address to the World Summit on Peace, Seoul, Korea • February 10, 2008
- Written by: Mrs. Andrée Lahoud, former First Lady, Republic of Lebanon
- Written by: H.E. Mama Salma J. Kikwete, First Lady of Tanzania
H.E. Mama Salma J. Kikwete, First Lady of Tanzania address to World Summit on Peace 2008, Seoul, Korea, February 2008
- Written by: Rev. Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak, Chairman, UPF
To establish a new paradigm of leadership and good governance, each of us must play a part. That is, we must each become a person who lives for the sake of others. Each day we must work not only to try to change others. We must begin by changing ourselves.
- Written by: Imam Abdul Jalil Sajid, Muslim Council for Religious and Racial Harmony, UK; Executive Committee member of European Imams and Religious Leaders Council; International Secretary, Executive Committee of World Congress of Faiths.
All human beings are honored by God. It is important to know that Islam honors Judaism and the good, faithful, and God-fearing Jews:
- Written by: Dr. Cheryl Lau, Former Teaching Fellow, J.F.K. School of Government, Harvard University, USA
Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s philosophy centers on the renewal of peoples and their spiritual cultures. At one special conference, a major announcement was made regarding a massive project which he envisions as a way to unite the east and the west through a cultural and economic milestone: the building of the Bering Strait tunnel or bridge. To place this project into a better perspective and understand this unique vision, let us first look back to a few historical achievements:
- Written by: H.E Stanislau Shushkevich, Former Chairman, Supreme Council, Belarus
Elementary logic would demonstrate that a bridge across the Bering Strait is not a commercial project, not some scheme, however great may be the risks involved, no business venture thought up by some entrepreneur, however far-fetched.
- Written by: Hon. Mamoru Nakajima, Former Member, Diet, Japan
Based on my experience as a Diet Member and a minister of state, I have been very impressed, overwhelmed and moved by Rev. Moon’s strong passion and vision for peace. Above all, my heart beats faster with anticipation by hearing his plan of International Highway, which requires humankind to gather wisdom and act according to it, as well as his Japan-Korea Tunnel Project and Bering Strait Tunnel Project.
- Written by: Hon. Sahana Pradhan, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Nepal
As I understand it, democracy and good governance are synonymous. Democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It is about effective delivery of services to the people, and it is also about accountability of the executive arm of the state to the people’s representatives—the Members of Parliament. It is about accepting the people as a sovereign source of power. Governance can be classified as bad and good. Good governance is about using state power and resources in a justifiable and accountable manner. Rule of law, accountability, transparency, and people’s participation in a meaningful sense are some of the requisites of good governance.
- Written by: Dr. Paula Sotutu, Oceania Director, Habitat for Humanity
The majority of poverty eradication work is done by faith organizations run by Christians of various denominations, Hindus, and Muslims. Many of them deliver food and medical supplies to the poor and also take their children to formal schools for education.