Building Interfaith Bridges of Peace in Jakarta
January 27, 2011
Jakarta, Indonesia - In support of the World Interfaith Harmony Week, UPF worked with The Wahid Institute, the Indonesian Conference for Religion and Peace, and the IPMI Business School to organize a conference on January 27 about “Building Bridges of Peace through Interfaith Leadership.”
Interfaith Harmony Week in Montreal
January 26, 2011
Montreal, Canada - The World Interfaith Harmony Week was observed on January 26 in Montreal with readings from various faith traditions, a report by Sikhs advocating for religious rights for minorities, and a speech by a Ghanaian Lutheran minister about what his mother taught him about getting along with people from different cultures.
Honoring Israelis Working for Interfaith Understanding
January 26, 2011
Daliet el Carmel, Israel - At a Jan. 26, 2011 meeting in Daliet el Carmel honoring Israelis working for interfaith understanding, an interfaith peace council in Israel was promoted.
World Interfaith Harmony Week Celebrated in Ottawa
January 25, 2011
Ottawa, Canada - In support of Interfaith Harmony Week the National Capital Peace Council of the Universal Peace Federation met on January 25 to hear the Chair of the Capital Region Interfaith Council, Father Jacques Kabangu, speak on “Social Sin: How All Believers Can Unite to Eradicate Institutional Evil.”
Campaign in Yamoussoukro, Cote d'Ivoire, for Peace
January 22, 2011
Yamoussoukro, Cote d'Ivoire - On January 22 the peace campaign in Côte d’Ivoire reached a second step in Yamoussoukro, the political capital of Côte d’Ivoire. It happened in a very delicate occasion, as the country is passing through a very serious crisis after the presidential elections on November 28, 2010.
Interfaith Cooperation for Peace in Taiwan
January 22, 2011
Taipei, Taiwan - In connection with the “World Interfaith Harmony Week,” UPF-Taiwan held a seminar entitled “Interfaith Cooperation for Peace: Theory and Practice” on January 22 featuring Christian and Buddhist speakers.
A Rally for Unity among the Faiths in Barbados
January 22, 2011
Bridgetown, Barbados - The playing of the National Anthem of Barbados opened the January 22 Interfaith Rally at the headquarters of the Barbados National Peace Council on the theme of Interfaith Activism for Peace and Harmony.
Interfaith Dialogues in Barbados
January 22, 2011
Bridgetown, Barbados - The Barbados National Peace Council organized dialogues with Hindus, Rastafarians, Baha'is and Christians in preparation for an interfaith rally Jan. 22, 2011.
World Interfaith Harmony Week Celebrated in Tokyo
January 19, 2011
Tokyo, Japan - A commemorative event of the United Nations’ annual “World Interfaith Harmony Week” was hosted by UPF-Japan on January 29 in Tokyo as an opening program of an Ambassadors for Peace Council Meeting.
Forum in Stuttgart on Islam and Peace
January 16, 2011
Stuttgart, Germany - UPF-Stuttgart organized a forum on Jan. 15, 2011, with the title “Can Islam be called a peaceful religion?”
Interreligious Consultation in New Delhi
January 11, 2011
New Delhi, India - UPF-India organized a consultation meeting on interfaith cooperation on Jan. 11, 2011, at the prestigious Goa State House Meeting Hall.
UPF Chairman Engages with Faith Leaders
January 1, 2011
The international chair of UPF, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon and his wife Yeon Ah Lee visited several nations in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe in 2010 to connect with sacred and historic sites and to meet with faith leaders and Ambassadors for Peace.
Seminar in Dhaka Promotes Interreligious Understanding
December 29, 2010
Dhaka, Bangladesh - UPF and the Women's Federation for World Peace organized a seminar promoting interreligious understanding on Dec. 28, 2010, at the Sundarban Hotel in Dhaka.
Azerbaijan Conference on Interreligious Dialogue
December 27, 2010
Baku, Azerbaijan - UPF-Azerbaijan held a conference at the Ambassador Hotel in Baku on Dec. 27, 2010, to support interreligious dialogue and cooperation.
Interreligious Program Held in Tokyo
December 23, 2010
Tokyo, Japan - UPF-Japan held an interreligious program in Tokyo on Dec. 23, 2010 with the support of the “Association of Religious Ambassadors for Peace.”
Steps toward a Thai Interreligious Peace Council
December 22, 2010
Bangkok, Thailand - UPF-Thailand hosted a consultation on December 22 about a possible interreligious peace council in Thailand.
Year-End Conference in Moscow Marks UN Human Solidarity Day
December 18, 2010
Moscow, Russia - UPF-Russia held an international conference on Dec. 18, 2010, the eve of UN International Human Solidarity Day, to explore the role of NGOs in promoting peace.
Nana Opoku - A Man with a Vision
December 17, 2010
Accra, Ghana - A student of religions and promoter of interfaith cooperation, Nana Opoku addressed an Ambassadors for Peace meeting in Accra Dec. 17, 2010.
Consultation in Dushanbe on a Proposed Interreligious Council at the UN
December 11, 2010
Dushanbe, Tajikistan - A special consultation concerning the UPF proposal to create an interreligious council at the UN took place in Dushanbe Dec. 11, 2010.
Consultation in Vienna on a Proposed Interreligious Council at the UN
December 9, 2010
Vienna, Austria - A conference on Interfaith, the United Nations and Peace in the 21st Century took place on Dec. 8, 2010, in Vienna with a selected group of 50 participants.