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Religious Youth Service

Religious Youth Service Trainer Teaches Australian Youth about Peacebuilding

February 8, 2008

Perth, Australia – Fazida Razak, a member of the Religious Youth Service Global Management Team, spoke to teachers and students  at St John XXIII School in Perth, Australia, on Feb. 8, 2008 about her work with Religious Youth Service and the Interreligious Peace Sports Festival.


Lasting Impact of Religious Youth Service Reported in Ghana

January 15, 2008

Ghana – Four years after a Religious Youth Service project at the Wieja Leprosarium and Pantang psychiatric hospital in Ghana, RYS received reports that other religious bodies and NGOs are continuing the tradition of service by visiting and interacting with the patients there.


RYS 2008 National and International Projects Review

January 1, 2008

RYS Annual Report 2008Through the work of our dedicated project developers and educators, the RYS social service learning experience was shared with many new people around the world. This year we have given special attention to expand our project developer and “Train the Trainers” seminars aiming at educating more people in the RYS methodology.


Religious Youth Service Builds a Classroom at a Cambodian School

December 26, 2007

Participants in a Religious Youth Service project at the Qamaruddin Al-Islamiyan School in Siem Reap, Cambodia, Dec. 23-27, 2007, built an additional classroom, repainted the inside and outside of classrooms, and installed new toilets as well as visiting places of worship.


Religious Youth Service Supports International Volunteer Day in Jerusalem

December 14, 2007

Jerusalem – Religious Youth Service helped carry out a five-day experiential service-learning project, Dec. 7-14, 2007 that included a commemoration of International Volunteer Day.


RYS Trains Guatemalan Teachers for Sports Program

November 5, 2007

Guatemala – RYS Training was given to 20 young teachers in preparation for them to receive 200 children registered to attend a Vacation for Peace, a six-week sports program designed by the Ministry of Peace.


Religious Youth Service Bridges Faiths and Ethnic Backgrounds in Nepal

October 17, 2007

Bungamati, Lalitpur, Nepal - A Religious Youth Service Project was held Oct. 9-17, 2007 in the ancient village of Bungamati, Lalitpur, Nepal. Forty local and international participants from Sri Lanka, Pakistan, England, and Jordan, representing different faiths, cultures, and ethnic backgrounds, participated in the project.


Religious Youth Service Builds Peace in the Interior of Cote d'Ivoire

September 22, 2007

Attohou, Cote d'Ivoire - Religious Youth Service joined the entire community of Attohou Sept. 8-22, 2007, in constructing a primary school in an area of central Cote d’Ivoire that is rebuilding after five years of civil war.


RYS Celebrates International Day of Peace in Chennai, India

September 21, 2007

Chennai, India – On September 21, 2007, the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and Religious Youth Service (RYS) in association with Gandhian Institutions Chennai, commemorated the International Day of Peace in Chennai, India.


RYS Collects 100,000 Signatures for Peace

September 19, 2007

Chennai, India – As a prelude to the International Day for Peace, which fell on Sept. 21, the RYS – Chennai, India, in association with Gandhian Institutions initiated a Signature Campaign for Peace (September 8 – 19). Nearly 100,000 signatures were collected on the Peace Banners displayed in various universities and institutions as an ushering-in of a new world of peace and, in this way emphasizing altruism as the new paradigm for fomenting peace. 


RYS Art and Leadership Training Program in the UK

September 11, 2007

Luxembourg, UK – The Religious Youth Service (RYS) UK, Service for Peace (SFP) Luxembourg and A Taste of Our Culture based in the UK, planned and carried out this exciting one-day project on  September 11, 2007 to launch the Global Peace Festival in the UK.


RYS Participants Serve the Small Community of Colonia Nueva Suyapa

September 5, 2007

Colonia Nueva Suyapa, Honduras – RYS participants undertook a project including landscaping, construction, painting and furnishing of a new kitchen in a community center, as well as supervising free-time activities for the children of the community of Colonia Nueva Suyapa, in the suburbs of Tegucigalpa. The kitchen will be used by an education center for local children.


Religious Youth Service Brings Youth Leaders Together in Suriname

August 30, 2007

Paramaribo, Suriname - Participants in a Religious Youth Service project in Suriname Aug. 18-30, 2007, immersed themselves in the Muslim and Christian communities as they cleaned and cared for animals at a zoo and did landscaping and made new friends at a home for the elderly.


Surinam - Líderes jóvenes sirviendo juntos

August 30, 2007

El zoológico Paramaribo se había vuelto casi inactivo hasta que el experto en selva tropical holandés Auke Heilkma vino en su rescate. Con la ayuda de la juventud de variados antecedentes culturales y religiosos de Surinam, Guyana Francesa, Trinidad y Tobago, Holanda, EE.UU. y Jamaica, el Zoológico Paramaribo casi se ha recuperado.


RYS Participants Rennovate an Orphanage in Ratnapura

August 24, 2007

Ratnapura, Sri Lanka  RYS participants built a study hall and repaired and upgrade the existing play area of the local orphanage which houses 22 boys, all less than 12 years old.


RYS Participants Beautify Neighborhoods in Newark

August 19, 2007

Newark, New Jersey, USA – RYS partnered with numerous non-profit and government organizations to street/sidewalk clean up (Olivier Street area, Broad Street area, Avon Avenue area), filling over 50 trash bags, totaling over 2000 gallons of trash. Participants also completed three peace/diversity mosaics that were donated to the City of Newark.


Religious Youth Service Bridges Faiths in the Netherlands

August 6, 2007

Utrecht, The Netherlands - Young people from different cultures and faiths joined in Utrecht, The Netherlands, for an interfaith service project July 28-Aug 6, 2007 to create peace mosaics at a playground and at a center for handicapped people.


RYS Creates Peace Mosaics in the Netherlands

July 28, 2007

Utrecht, The Netherlands – 20 young people from different cultures and faiths gathered for a 10-day project to create a peace mosaic at a playground in Kanaleneiland, a neighborhood with a bad reputation in Utrecht, and also at De Paraplu, a center for handicapped people.


RYS Group Attends Women and the Australian Church Conference

July 22, 2007

Sydney, Australia – RYS Global Management team member, Fazida Razak was invited with Sister Margaret Finlay and Sister Marie Theresa (both RYS alumni) to share at a conference attended by approximately 300 people from various ecumenical backgrounds and all walks of life including students, missionaries and NGOs.


Social Cooperation for a better Leadership and Development in Guatemala

April 30, 2007

Guatemala –  Seventy-three representatives from various volunteer and service organizations, gathered together with Guatemalan academics and two speakers from the United States in the Embassy for Peace of Guatemala on April 30th, 2007. The 3½-hour conference, structured in Panel-Forum style was sponsored by Guatemala Pro Peace Association (APPG), Religious Youth Service (RYS), and Service for Peace (SFP).