J. Figel: Address to International Leadership Conference held in Vienna, Austria
April 28, 2019
“Freedom of religion or belief is an essential human right and an expression of the deepest personal freedom—freedom of conscience. It is a litmus test for all human rights.”
V. Mortensen: Address to International Leadership Conference held in Vienna, Austria
April 28, 2019
“For all to live together peacefully, we do not need to agree on everything. But to live peacefully together, it is necessary to identify some common ground.”
R. Di Marzio: Address to International Leadership Conference held in Vienna, Austria
April 28, 2019
“The presence of multiple religions in a country appears to have a pacifying effect if they are free of restrictions. There are many other ways in which religions can facilitate greater peace: through the common benefits of group membership or the power of interfaith dialogue for conflict resolution.”
Y. A. Moon: Address to International Leadership Conference held in Vienna, Austria
April 28, 2019
“The presence of multiple religions in a country appears to have a pacifying effect if they are free of restrictions. There are many other ways in which religions can facilitate greater peace: through the common benefits of group membership or the power of interfaith dialogue for conflict resolution.”
A. Al Maliki: Inauguration of the Moroccan Parliament Branch of the IAPP
November 7, 2018
Rabat, Morocco—We are launching the Moroccan branch of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace in the context of what has concerned the world today that necessitates the establishment and stabilization of peace, tolerance, cooperation and justice, as well as what has concerned the defenders of these values and principles.
Absolute Values & World Peace
September 21, 2018
“The fundamental force by which God created the universe is His irrepressible force of selfless giving. The act of creation is an act of total giving. The entire creation is infused with that essence. Life and the universe are governed by the sacred law of giving; we are to emulate God’s act of creation. We should be trained to care for others from an early age. When ‘caring for others’ exceeds ‘pleasing one’s self,’ the foundation for a peaceful home and a peaceful and prosperous society will be secured.”
A. Svintsov: Address to 32nd International Leadership Conference
August 28, 2018
“I particularly emphasize the important role of parliamentarians in democratic processes at all levels. . . . The role of parliamentarians is also important in ensuring peace, stability and economic growth.”
J. Lim: Address to 32nd International Leadership Conference
August 28, 2018
“The denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the peaceful settlement that will be developed in the future will make my heart beat.”
R. Deka: Address to 32nd International Leadership Conference
August 28, 2018
“Peace and development are two sides of the same coin: They are directly proportional to each other.”
B. Kalita: Address to 32nd International Leadership Conference
August 26, 2018
“The effort in bringing parliamentarians and religious leaders together to involve faith leaders in guiding and influencing global political affairs toward establishing sustainable peace and development is truly remarkable."
J. de Venecia: Address to 32nd International Leadership Conference
August 26, 2018
We had pointed out before that the successful dynamics of North Korea’s nuclear development and delivery system could be channeled to economic mobilization. We added that the “long-suspended Six-Nation Talks could have a business-focused auxiliary to develop economic joint ventures for deployment in the Korean north.” We believe that the potential of the two Koreas in cooperating together or united in peace could eventually lead to a prosperous second- or first-world nation in the third decade of the 21st century.
J. Birdi: Address to 32nd International Leadership Conference
August 26, 2018
If religious and faith leaders are seen talking to one another, sitting with one another and sharing a meal with one another, then that will have a very positive effect on members of their congregation and also on other people who see this happening. Cooperation amongst religious leaders is very important and has to take place at an international, national and local level for there to be peace at all these levels.
J. Asshiddiqie: Address to 32nd International Leadership Conference
August 26, 2018
The mode of relations between religion and state as it is applied in Indonesia [is]based on the philosophy of Pancasila, which recognizes as its first principle the Oneness of God, that is, the universal God belongs to every religious group in the country. The relationship between the state and religion in Indonesia is more than just friendly; it is also brotherly, fraternal. In Indonesia, the government has as its duty and interest to help and to strengthen all religious groups.
Y. Miyake: Address to 32nd International Leadership Conference
August 26, 2018
I have attended more than 200 international conferences over the past 40 years and more than 1,000 interfaith meetings in Japan. However … it is hard to say that notable results have been obtained. The answer is easy. In short, it arises from a lack of knowledge of the religious leaders who attend meetings of this kind. Of course, I don’t mean to say that they lack insight into the faith to which they themselves belong; in that case their insight is extremely good, whether it be an archbishop, an imam or a guru. The lack of knowledge that I point out here refers to other religions to which you do not belong, or a religion that is denied by your religion.
S. Jaju: Address to 32nd International Leadership Conference
August 26, 2018
The world transformation cycle is moving at very rapid pace. Social circumstances are also changing day by day. We usually call it development but in such a situation, man is trapped in a severe storm. Outwardly physical and economic progress is seen only when many resources and amenities are being amalgamated.
I. Alimohamed: Address to 32nd International Leadership Conference
August 26, 2018
I find inspiration in a quote from the Gospel of St. Luke: “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.” (Luke 17:21) The guidance here is that through meditation and prayer, you will understand the Creator’s purpose in life for you and you will be at peace with yourself. When there is peace within you, you will be at peace with others.
S. Moulana: Address to 32nd International Leadership Conference
August 26, 2018
“The point I’m making here, and what I’ve also come to learn more about over the course of this conference, is the absolute necessity to address and combat extremist ideology from its very inception.”
G. Iskandar: Address to International Leadership Conference 2018
February 20, 2018
The political repressions, authoritarian rulers, and the absence of democratic governments in the Arab world over the past six decades, contributed directly to the demise of these countries and over the past seven years, the spread of illiteracy, the schism among ethnic, sectarian and even political groups and thus resulted in political intolerances, religious persecutions, unemployment, poverty and a miserable way of life.
K. El Kantar: Address to International Leadership Conference 2018
February 19, 2018
Humanity can bring about change by officials and religious leaders and parliamentarians uniting to expand the love culture through dialogue, education and cooperation. Religious leaders can make changes in their societies by developing an educational system that teaches love and forgiveness and by organizing conferences among diverse people.
S.J. Kwon: Address to International Leadership Conference 2018
February 19, 2018
There should never be another war on the Korean Peninsula. All nations must work together to find a peaceful way to denuclearize North Korea.