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UPF-Peru Commemorates UN International Women's Day 2022

Peru-2022-03-04-Commemoration of UN International Women's Day 2022


Peru—On Friday, March 4, 2022, the Universal Peace Federation Peru, in co-sponsorship with Red MUALIC, Network of Local Authorities Women of Lima and Callao, celebrated UN International Women’s Day 2022. The meeting brought together more than 170 people at the auditorium of the UPF Peru headquarters and more than 100 people followed the live broadcast by UPF Peru FanPage.

Prominent leaders and authorities gathered at this important celebration, including the alderman of the Council of Miraflores, Jorge Mario Gurmendi, and the advisor of the Council of Miraflores and member of MUALIC Network, Ximena Cervantes Montoya.  Likewise, the president of MUALIC Network, Angela Huamani Vasquez, and Ambassador for Peace and member of MUALIC Network Wilma Chira Coronado were present. Dr. Trevor Jones, president of UPF Peru and his wife, Mrs. Faith Jones participated virtually in the meeting.

During the meeting, outstanding guest panelists from MUALIC Network and UPF Peru shared their thoughts and reflections with the audience on the theme “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow.” They were lawyer María del Carmen de la Vega Rázuri, sociologist Jorge Martínez Campoblanco, Dr. Milka Jacqueline Silva Mendoza, Mrs. Jeny Molina Ninanya, Dr. Alex Calero Rojas and Mrs. Magdalena Solorzano Castillo.

As part of the celebration, special recognition was given to 10 ladies from MUALIC Network and eight Ambassadors for Peace for their outstanding social service work in favor of those in greatest need. Likewise, 13 new Ambassadors for Peace were appointed, including authorities, academics, women leaders and leaders of civil society. The meeting featured an artistic performance by the musician and Ambassador for Peace Antonio Delgadillo Rojas.

The guests were all inspired by the meeting at UPF headquarters. It was the first time for many months that so many Ambassadors for Peace had been able to meet in this way.

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