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UN International Women's Day 2016

The theme chosen by the UN for 2016 was "Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality" Read UPF's Statement on International Women's Day.

Lima, Peru—UPF-Peru organized a special event in celebration of UN International Women’s Day 2016 in March.  

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Tirana, Albania—“Women’s Participation for Development” was the title of a mini-conference held to observe UN International Women’s Day 2016.

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Stuttgart, Germany—UPF-Germany offered its Peace Embassy in the city of Stuttgart for a commemoration of International Women’s Day 2016.

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—Eight distinguished Argentinian women were acknowledged for their accomplishments during a celebration of International Women’s Day 2016.

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São Paulo, Brazil—To commemorate UN International Women’s Day 2016, UPF-Brazil held an event at the Sorocaba City Council in São Paulo state.

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Taipei, Taiwan—UPF-Taiwan celebrated UN International Women’s Day at its annual General Assembly on March 5. 

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