New York, USA—In UPF’s ongoing effort to keep our readers informed about the innovative ideas and approaches that may contribute to a breakthrough for peace on the Korean Peninsula, this issue of Dialogue and Alliance (Vol. 36, Summer), as well as the forthcoming issue (Vol. 36 Winter), highlight the speeches of more than eighty world leaders presented during World Summit 2022. World Summit 2022 was held on February 10-14 in Seoul, Korea and has as its theme, “Toward Peace on the Korean Peninsula.”
More than 160 nations were represented at the Summit, including 157 nations with diplomatic ties to one or both of the Koreas. Hosted by UPF Co-Founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, World Summit 2022 was Co-Chaired by H.E. Samdech Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia, and H.E. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General (2007-2016) of the United Nations.
Even as we recognize the challenges for the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula, as well as the problems of climate change, poverty, conflict and family breakdown, and how these challenges are exacerbated by the pandemic that is affecting everyone worldwide, we are also facing a new manifestation of the Cold War, sometimes called Cold War II.
We thought the Cold War had come to an end toward the latter part of the 20th century and hoped that the 21st century would be an era of peace. UPF Co-Founders, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, convened “Assembly 2000” in August 2000 at the UN headquarters under the theme, “Renewing the United Nations and Building a Culture of Peace.” Speaking about their hopes for peace and reconciliation, they advocated for UPF and for the role of religious leaders to be more strongly represented in various multilateral institutions, and for their counsel to complement the work of diplomats and the representatives of the governments.
It is the lifelong dream of Dr. Moon and her husband, the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, to bring about a more peaceful world and reunify their homeland. Thirty-one years ago, they travelled to Pyongyang and met with Kim Il-sung for unprecedented peace talks during a weeklong visit. Afterwards, North Korea signed a safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and supported the reunification of families separated by the Korean War.
Despite the many signs of progress, today we are witnessing an intense polarization on a global geopolitical level. The unsettling and deeply tragic humanitarian crisis that has come about as a result of the conflict in Ukraine breaks our hearts and troubles our minds. Many nations are facing crises in the realm of governance where countries are being forced to choose sides in a struggle between democracy and autocracy.
UPF has always recognized the need for a broad strategy to achieve world peace, and has been a proponent of “soft power” solutions and an emphasis on “Track II” diplomacy, guided by principles of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values. It is UPF’s position, evidenced in this issue of Dialogue and Alliance, that we must stay the course and continue our work to promote peace and development, working in respectful collaboration with leaders and experts who affirm these core values.
We hope our readers will find this issue of Dialogue and Alliance enriching and uplifting. Let us work together to achieve long-lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula and throughout the world.
Thomas G. Walsh, Ph.D.
Executive Editor
To view the table of contents, please see below.
Dialogue & Alliance
Vol. 36 No. 1, Winter 2022
World Summit 2022: Part One
Toward Peace on the Korean Peninsula
President of Senegal; Chairperson, African Union
H.E. Romano Prodi
Prime Minister (2006-2008), Italy; President, European Union Commission (1999-2004); former UN Special Envoy for the Sahel
Opinion Editor, The Washington Times, United States
Parliamentarian (2015-2019), Switzerland
Hon. Werner Fasslabend
Minister of Defense (1990-2000); President, National Assembly (2000-2002), Austria
Dr. Alexander Vorontsov
Head, Department of Korean and Mongolian Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia