UPF-Argentina Participates in Religious Freedom Panel
Buenos Aires, Argentina—“The freedom to profess and spread religion and beliefs, in global jeopardy” was discussed at the 6th World Congress on Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue.
UPF-Czechia Honors John Amos Comenius, the Father of Modern Education
Prague, Czechia—UPF held a special lecture to honor John Amos Comenius, the 17th century Czechian pedagogue.
Austrians, Slovaks, and Hungarians Meet at their Border for Peace Road Event
Central Europe—Austrians, Slovaks and Hungarians held a Peace Road event where their borders meet.
UPF-Albania Observes UN Global Day of Parents
Durrës, Albania—An event celebrating the family also awarded 22 Ambassador for Peace certificates.
“Altruism” Theme Began the “Honoring a Peace Legacy” 2023 Series
Buenos Aires, Argentina—“Selfishness and Altruism” was the theme of the “Honoring a Peace Legacy” 2023 Series held on June 5, 2023.
UPF Event at the UN in Geneva Honors Global Day of Parents
Geneva, Switzerland—UPF and affiliated organizations held a conference at the UN to promote the importance of parents.
UPF-Italy Peace Forum Discusses the Suffering of Migrants
Rome, Italy—Migrants often are caught between “an uninhabitable origin and an inhospitable destination.”
UPF-UK Celebrates Africa Day 2023
London, United Kingdom—Individuals passionate about peace, cultural exchange, and development attended UPF’s Africa Day celebration.
UPF-France Supports Afghan Association
Paris, France—UPF was represented at a conference at the National Assembly about the situation of Afghans.
Ambassadors for Peace Meet in Montréal
Montréal, Canada—Over 50 Ambassadors for Peace and friends of UPF gathered in Montréal, Canada for our first in-person meeting in three years.
Peace Summit 2023: Comprehensive Report, Including Program Schedule and Speeches
Seoul, South Korea—Available for reading and study: The final schedule and many of the speeches from Peace Summit 2023 (May 2-6) on the theme, “Toward a World Culture of Peace.”
UPF International and the UN Mission of Oman Co-Sponsor UN Global Day of Parents Webinar
United Nations, New York—With the co-sponsorship of the Permanent Mission of the Sultanate of Oman to the UN, UPF organized the UN Global Day of Parents webinar, “Mother and Fathers: Essential for Societal Stability and Flourishing.”
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