UPF-Czechia Hosts Talk on Journalism
Prague, Czechia—A longtime Czech journalist took a UPF audience behind the scenes of the world of media.
Swiss Football Event Includes Peace Education
Novazzano, Switzerland—UPF in Ticino Canton, together with the local football club, held the tenth edition of the Peace Cup children's football tournament.
Moscow Football Event Promotes Noble Rivalry
Moscow, Russia—The Lyubertsy District of Moscow Region was the site of a Play Football for Peace tournament.
UPF-Argentina Hosts “Leadership and Teamwork” Workshop
Buenos Aires, Argentina—The Ambassadors for Peace meeting featured a workshop on “Leadership and Teamwork.”
UPF-Korea Holds 19th Forum for a Unified Korea
Seoul, Korea—A reporter for The Washington Times spoke about the necessity of U.S.-Korea-Japan cooperation for peace in Northeast Asia.
UPF-Peru Celebrates the UN International Day of Families 2023
Lima, Peru—UPF-Peru celebrated the UN International Day of Families on May 31, 2023, focusing on the theme “Demographic Trends and Families.”
UPF-Czechia Convenes Discussion on Darwinian Theory
Prague, Czechia—Darwinian theory has had wide impact, including the fueling of ideologies and movements that have had adverse and at times horrific impact on society.
UPF-UK Celebrates UN International Day of Families
Birmingham, United Kingdom—Different faiths, cultures, nationalities and ages were represented.
UPF-Argentina Signs Friendship and Cooperation Agreement with Rotary International
Buenos Aires, Argentina—UPF-Argentina signed a Friendship and Cooperation Agreement with Rotary District 4895 during the “Collectivities Honor the Homeland” event.
The UN NGO Committee on the Family Commemorates UN International Day of Families
UPF International—The world just reached a record population height of eight billion and yet many countries are distressed with their extremely low fertility rates.
UPF-Russia Hears Economist’s Views on Koreas
Moscow, Russia—A economist with first-hand experience in the Koreas was interviewed.
South London Speakers Name Key Values for Family
London, United Kingdom—Nearly 50 participants commemorated International Day of Families.
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