
Peace and Security


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Peace and Security

Consultations take place among scholars, diplomats, government officials, civil society representatives and religious leaders.


UPF International— Response and Call to Action on Israel and Gaza; A Statement by Universal Peace Federation International

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London, United Kingdom—The speakers were from nations whose viewpoints often are overlooked.

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Bratislava, Slovakia—UPF invited a Slovak columnist and former intelligence officer to give his insights into Russia and China.

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Washington, DC, USA—The Washington Brief focused on North Korea Ups the Ante in Strategic Standoff, with guest panelists.

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UPF International—A statement by Dr. Thomas G. Walsh for this holiday season.

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Washington, DC, USA—The Washington Brief episode on December 6, 2022 focused on “Challenges in the Indo-Pacific for the 118th Congress.”

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—UPF-Argentina presented a panel on “The Korean Peninsula: 38th Parallel and a Path Towards Peace."

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Luanda, Angola—A festival was held November 5, 2022 to mark the 30th anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between South Korea and Angola.

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Rome, Italy—An intelligence and security advisor gave his impressions of the Summit 2022 and Leadership Conference.

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Bratislava, Slovakia—Speakers at a UPF event examined the spiritual roots of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.



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Rome, Italy—The meeting was titled "Cultural Diplomacy as a Tool for Conflict Resolution and Prevention."

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Lisbon, Portugal—The event had the theme “Coexistence and Dialogue through Education and Diversity.”

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