South Asia Peace Initiative
In various nations of South Asia, UPF is promoting peace and cooperation through leadership consultations and grassroots activities. Bringing youth from diverse backgrounds together to build bridges of understanding respect and serve a local community are the focus of programs in Afghanistan, Nepal, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. In Nepal, programs focus on reconciling political divisions, addressing conflicts, and cultivating the spirit of one family under God. In India, leadership consultations promote interreligious cooperation and encourage good governance. In Bangladesh, promoting interreligious dialogue and strengthening marriage and family are ongoing programs. Scroll down for reports.
- Written by: Dr. Robert Kittel, UPF-South Asia
In his Inaugural Address before a standing-room-only crowd at The Goa International Centre, on April 23, the Governor of Goa, Shri S.C. Jamir, emphasized that it was "the duty of every nation and its people to cooperate, support, and strengthen ... to the maximum extent possible" the efforts to create an interreligious council at the United Nations.
- Written by: Dr. Robert S. Kittel, UPF-South Asia
- Written by: Robert Kittel
Members of the Universal Peace Federation took to the streets of Kathmandu, Nepal on October 15 to bring a new spirit to the stalled talks. Placards reading “Forgive, Love, Unite,” called on all parties to put the interest of the nation above political self-interests.
- Written by: B. N. Sharma, Founder-Director of CPS Higher Secondary School, Kumaripati, Lalitpur, Nepal
Special Interview with Dr. Robert Kittel, Director of Peace Education, Universal Peace Federation and adviser for the South Asia Region of UPF.
- Written by: UPF - Nepal
Recommendations resulting from a peace conference in Kathmandu, Nepal, Nov. 12, 2005 that brought together delegates from Nepal, India, USA, UK, Japan, Korea, Philippines and Thailand.
- Written by: Dr. Robert S. Kittel
Dr. Christopher Kim and Dr. Robert Kittel visited Nepal Nov. 10-13, 2003 and met with the Inspector General of the Armed Police Force along with several top generals.