IAPD-Philippines Launches Interfaith Online Fellowship
Manila, Philippines—The IAPD-Philippines’s launch of the Interfaith Online Fellowship and the second and third fellowship meetings were attended by a total of 145 participants.
India Launches Youth Peace Club Initiative
New Delhi, India—UPF and the International Association of Youth and Students for Peace launched the Youth Peace Club initiative on National Youth Day in India.
UPF-Japan Commemorates First Anniversary of WCLC
Tokyo, Japan—A webinar commemorating the first anniversary of the World Christian Leadership Conference (WCLC), organized by UPF-Japan, was attended by 260 participants.
IAAP-Oceania Plans for Future
Melbourne, Australia—The IAAP-Oceania held a meeting to begin laying out a roadmap for peacebuilding in the region for the next two years.
Albanian, Kosovan Faith Leaders Offer Messages of Hope
Tirana, Albania—Religious leaders attending a UPF webinar gave messages of hope for these unprecedented times.
IAPD Webinar Discusses Role of Faith-based Organizations
Bangkok, Thailand—The IAPD-Asia Pacific hosted a webinar on the role of faith-based organizations in which more than 12,000 internet viewers from 35 nations participated.
Two Views of Religion Presented at Webinar
Geneva, Switzerland—Prominent religious leaders spoke at a webinar titled “Religion – A Way to Peace or a Cause of Conflict?”
IAPD Inaugurated in Italy
Rome, Italy—UPF held an online meeting to launch the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development.
Muslim Leaders Affirm Relevance of Spiritual Values for Sustainable Development
Moscow, Russia—A UPF webinar addressed the role of spiritual values in Russia’s sustainable development.
Online Education Yields ‘Excellent’ Results
Bangkok, Thailand—More than 400 participants registered for two UPF-Asia Pacific online education programs, which were rated highly by graduates.
UPF-South America Holds WCLC Webinar With Over 1,000 Participants
South America—UPF South America’s webinar had the theme “The importance of Christian unity and cooperation for peace and human development, as well as the importance of broader interfaith cooperation.”
UPF-South America Hosts ILC Webinar on the Reunification of Korea
South America—UPF-South America’s ILC webinar was followed by 860 viewers.
UPF-Japan Convenes Virtual Leadership Conference
Tokyo, Japan—UPF-Japan held a three-day virtual International Leadership Conference (ILC) on the theme “Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula.”
Child Welfare Systems During COVID: Can We Improve How We Help Families?
New York, United States—The NGO Committee on the Family-New York held its monthly program as a webinar on November 19 on the topic “Families Coping with COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities in Child Welfare.”
Forum Focuses on a Compassionate God
Lisbon, Portugal—UPF hosted its third online interreligious forum, with the theme “God as Love and Compassion.”
Korea Expert Gives Insights into Prospects for Reunification
Seoul, Korea—The main speaker at an online program explained the obstacles to reunifying the two Koreas.
Experts Discuss Tragic Terror Attack in Vienna
Vienna, Austria—UPF-Austria held an online conference to address the recent attack on civilians in central Vienna.
UPF-Russia Webinar Explores Korea’s Future
Moscow, Russia—UPF held a webinar on the theme "Prospects for Peace on the Korean Peninsula."
UPF Webinar Brings Together Clergy From Four South American Countries
Asunción, Paraguay—On Saturday, November 7, a “Peace Talks” webinar was organized by UPF members from Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay.
Youth Leaders in Dialogue with Parliamentarians
London, United Kingdom—Young achievers asked questions of members of Parliament in an online event held during UK Parliament Week.